Metastrike Year In Review: Achievements Thus Far

Mitchell Keller
Published in
5 min readJan 31, 2022

Greetings Metastrikers!

What a year it has been! In the past 365 days, we have grown together in ways that many NFT gaming projects could only dream about. The concept of our FPS/RPG game was well received by players, developers, and major backers, allowing our team to check off many boxes on our list of deliverables. Ultimately, it fast-tracked the progress we were making to ensure that Metastrike became an NFT gaming juggernaut!

We would like to take this opportunity to recap some of the many highlights of our journey and reflect on an amazing year which we owe to an even more amazing community.

First Movers Advantage

With the play-to-earn market becoming more competitive by the day, our team needed to integrate Metastrike as a blockbuster NFT game from the start. We leveraged the fact that Metastrike was the first-ever FPS/RPG game to be powered by blockchain technology and offered players a VR Metaverse that enabled them to battle and earn through a variety of game modes. Further, the advent of Guilds/HQ created a strong social element to Metastrike to encourage teamwork among users and reinforce the goal of earning rewards collectively.

The success of all of these features relied heavily on the technology and graphics behind the Metastrike gameplay. It is here that our developers, designers, and engineers went to work to ensure that the tech used to create our Metaverse would provide users with smooth and seamless gameplay that put players deep in the action.

The result was a truly immersive FPS/RPG game that elevated both rewards and gameplay experience.

Community Growth

The community behind any crypto or NFT project is the lifeblood that enables it to succeed. Our team feels truly blessed to have overwhelming support of a community that has grown exponentially since our inception. Our Twitter page, for example, currently has over 90K followers with new Metastrikers joining every day. Our gleam campaigns have been a beacon of community excitement with some competitions receiving over 350K entries. This is a clear indication that Metastrike’s following is built on real gamers who love the idea of the first-ever FPS Metaverse.

Unique Gameplay

While our game takes inspiration from traditional FPS games, the Metastrike team set out to provide players with a new and improved version of this style of game. This involved connecting with our community to see what their preferences were and providing as many options as possible to appeal to all players. Our gameplay is competitive at its core, with Guilds and headquarters, PvE, and PvP modes. But that doesn’t mean players have to be experts from the outset. The game comes loaded with a training mode and is made available for novice players to sharpen their skills and aim, so they can be better prepared when reaping rewards in their play-to-earn journey.

On that note, the dual-token system that serves as the foundation of our play-to-earn model provides players with utility, governance, and opportunities to buy, trade, sell and upgrade their in-game assets. $MTS is a BEP-20 token in which players can earn rewards by staking and voting on key platform decisions. It is also a rewards-based token that players can earn by winning tournaments in the Metastrike Metaverse. $MTT lets players unlock items like new maps, purchase and upgrade weapons, and participate in various gaming modes and special events.

Another important achievement was the Metastrike Alpha testing which was live-streamed via YouTube to our community. It gave players a first-hand look at the action that Metastrike delivers and we are excited to announce that Beta spots will soon be available to $MTS holders. Additionally, you could soon be playing Metastrike through Steam to offer players even more chances to play with friends in our Metaverse and form powerful guilds. Stay tuned for further updates on this feature!

Financial Targets Acquired

Receiving the support of our community played a monumental role in our project’s success. But this was one large part of a bigger formula that helped us reach our goals. Metastrike also received the endorsement of several top-tier backers, enabling us to raise $3.3m in our private funding rounds. This included teams such as GD10 Ventures, Jump Capital, and Kucoin Labs, whose network of influencers and resources provided Metastrike with much-needed exposure to NFT gaming fanatics across the world. As a result, our growth allowed us to attract more investors and partners over time and we are grateful to all of them for the time and capital they invested to ensure we reached our targets.

This led to our IDO that went as incredibly as we could have hoped. It sold out and mere seconds across several top-tier launchpads which were Roseon Finance (100K raised), Seedify (250K raised) and Paid (142K raised). Our TGE followed shortly afterward and true to form, produced mind-blowing results. $MTS was the #1 ranked coin on both and Top Gainers list, with over $40m in trading volume in just 12 hours. We also launched staking to Kucoin that rewarded holders with up to 80% APY.

Aiming Towards the Future

We encourage you to stay tuned to our social channels, as our team will continue to deliver more exciting announcements to make 2022 even better than the year before. Your loyalty, enthusiasm, and overwhelming support are something we cherish and are eternally grateful for. We thank you all and look forward to seeing you in the Metastrike Metaverse.

About Metastrike

Metastrike is a blockchain-based virtual reality FPS-RPG that delivers top-tier gameplay and graphics. It also features an equitable play-to-earn economy that rewards players for their time and dedication to improving their skills in the game. The game features an array of digital assets that players can collect and trade on the open market such as weapons, skins, projectiles, and more. The team is made up of blockchain experts, game designers, marketing leaders, and engineers all at the top of their respective fields.

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Mitchell Keller

Content & Strategy for Quadrata - The Web3 Identity Solutions Provider. Founder of