Metavault.Trade <> MM Finance: A Co-DEXes Cooperation

Published in
2 min readNov 4, 2022

Hey MetaTraders, we have some pleasant news for you:

We are happy to announce we have partnered with MM Finance and are taking the first strategic step to act cross-platform in the whole Polygon ecosystem!

Many may ask themselves what exactly is the deal with a Co-DEXes cooperation as such: Both of our Teams have decided that as an ensemble, borders can be crossed and innovative business decisions can be formed.

Although both of our projects are being deployed on the Polygon Ecosystem, both of us are taking a first step towards cooperating by working together, without any kind of rivalry or competition.

Having negotiated about what could be the best outcome, we came to the decision that the Metavault.Trade rebalancing bots will also utilize the Madmex and MMF pools, and as a result of this utilization we will enjoy receiving fee-rebates. Hence, MVX generates significant volumes and revenues not only for its investors but also for the MMF family. This is to show that working together is more beneficial than rivalry and that co-operations are a win-win for all.

As a result of this partnership, MMF will rebate a small portion of the fees generated by the MVX rebalancing bots back to us.

This partnership is beneficial to the MMF ecosystem because the MMF team will use generated fees to add back into the MLP pool, increasing the value of MLP overtime. On top of that, a huge 65% of these protocol fees will be used to buyback MMF to support the price of their native token.

On the other side, Metavault.Trade will invest the obtained rebates to increase its PoL (Protocol-owned Liquidity), which also subsequently boosts the flywheel-effect idea and also increases stand-alone capacities.

→ For more information on Protocol-owned Liquidity at Metavault.Trade check our detailed thread on Twitter: Click for PoL Thread

To conclude, since we are both following the mindset of striving towards maximum growth, being against one another doesn’t generate much other than unrealized opportunities. Hence, this partnership was established to get the most out of both projects as well as generate more revenue for our beloved communities.

Forever DEXes against CEXes.

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