BITRUN Hackathon with Metaverse CTO Chen Hao

Chen Hao participated as a judge in the BITRUN Hackathon.

William Jiang
3 min readNov 9, 2018


The BITRUN 48 Hour Blockchain Hackathon — Halloween Special Event, held in Shanghai from October 26th to October 28th, brought together nearly 100 computer technical professionals and token economic designers from Zhejiang University, Fudan University, Tongji University, Central University of Finance and Economics, and Shanghai Tech University. It banded with top-line blockchain development teams and investment firms to provide technical support and materials for competitors. A judging panel consisting of leading experts in the industry, partners of international investment organizations, and technical experts in major enterprises like Chen Hao, the CTO of Metaverse, picked the winning team. Outstanding talents won awesome prizes, internships, and job offers. Technology companies and capital groups may favor their projects, thus providing a platform for possibly the next unicorn in the blockchain industry.

Metaverse CTO Chen Hao
BITRUN Hackathon — Halloween Special Event

The Winners

1st Place: Team Hunger Game

A multiplayer online survival game based on the Hunger Games. The game is combined with the blockchain by recharging/ withdrawing the digital currency, recording the results of the match on the chain, and trading the heroes and character skins on the chain.

2nd Place: Team Pysix

BidChain: A multi-mode bidding system based on the blockchain.

3rd Place: Team BitFly

Set a Flag: The initiator of flag can set a goal and the amount of money that is released to the public. The one who successfully reaches his goal can take back the money he put in before and obtain rewards from the prize pool.


Judges carefully listened to the presentations of participants

One of the Judges

Chen Hao is the co-founder and CTO of Metaverse as well as the CTO of ViewFin Corp., one of the earliest blockchain companies in China. As an early evangelist of blockchain technology and blockchain-based digital finance, he is an author of GeekBang who wrote a series of posts called “Explain Blockchain in Simple Words” and became the contributor of open source projects. He not only has the dual experience in public blockchain architecture and high concurrent system architecture, but he is also an expert at blockchain technical analysis and writing. He has developed payment and settlement systems, foreign exchange trading systems, and security trading systems. In 2016, he led a team to design and implement an open source public blockchain project — Metaverse.

Chen Hao has been invited to be the judge of many hackathons before for his proficiency in blockchain technology and his popularity at home and abroad. His outspoken comments plus his good sense of humor in the hackathons make him a welcome addition.

What are Hackathons?

A hackathon is a technical innovation activity that originated in the United States and quickly became popular around the world. A group of creators with different backgrounds and various skills team up for a certain period of time to do what they want in the way they like. There is almost no limit in the whole process.

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William Jiang

Head of Marketing and Operations at Elevate Ventures and Advisory. Avid Golfer, UCSD Triton, grew up in SoCal.