How to use the Metaverse Testnet

Sven Mutzl
Published in
3 min readMar 23, 2018

When you create scripts or applications to create transactions or use the Metaverse fullnode json rpc. You should always test your code on the testnet before you run it on the mainnet. Not only could you lose mainnet assets in case of a bug, but you can also save the transaction fee and help to keep the mainnet “clean”.

UPDATE: Now there is also an official website to get free testnet ETP. Just visit If you are interested in trying out DNA on the Metaverse testnet you can claim your free DNA testnet token from the Metaverse testnet on

What is the Metaverse Testnet

The testnet has its own Blockchain but uses the same code as the mainnet except for parameters that make testing easier. All testnet addresses start with a lowercase letter t while the mainnet addresses start with an uppercase M. Also, the deposit time is much shorter so you can easily test the deposit function without having to wait for more than a year. Don’t try to create transactions between mainnet and testnet addresses as they are completely different networks.

How to use the Testnet

If you run a full node you can start it in testnet mode by adding the parameter -t when you start mvsd.

./mvsd -t

During testnet daemon startup it will load a configuration from ~/.metaverse/mvs-test.conf if the file exists.

To use the lightwallet in testnet mode, visit and select testnet from the login screen.

For MetaverseJS you can pass ‘testnet’ as the network parameter of the wallet functions to let the wallet generate testnet addresses.

How to get Testnet ETP and Assets

Mining your own testnet ETP should be easy. Just start solo mining:

./mvs-cli start --ACCOUNTNAME username --ACCOUNTAUTH password

You can also just ask the community if you don’t have a running fullnode wallet. To create testnet assets, you can pay the fees by using testnet ETP. All assets functions work the same way as on the mainnet.

Verify your transactions

To verify that your code is working and your transactions get broadcasted and accepted by the testnet network, you can check your transactions on To immediately tell the testnet from the mainnet explorer the topbar is red.

I hope this article is useful for you. Just contact the Metaverse community on Discord or create an issue on GitHub if you want to use the Metaverse Blockchain in your application and you don’t know how to start or run into problems. Just let us know if you are a developer and you want to learn how to interact with Metaverse. We would love to provide examples and share ideas about small projects with you.

