Japan Blockchain Tech Summit — Recap

William Jiang
Published in
4 min readDec 3, 2018

The highly anticipated Japan Blockchain Tech Summit (JBT) was held in Tokyo on November 29th, 2018. With blockchain technology as the core topic, the summit hosted a number of high quality projects and financial investment companies around the world to participate in the discussions and exhibitions, deepen idea exchanges and promote technological development. Metaverse was on hand to discuss the present and future of blockchain technology.

About the sponsor — JCBA (Japan China Blockchain Association)

The summit was hosted by the Japan China Blockchain Association (JCBA) and co-sponsored by Japan Digital Journal, NetEase Japan World Blockchain Organization (WBO), Japan International Economic and Cultural Promotion Association, and International Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Association.

JCBA is committed to providing the best platform services of Japanese and Chinese blockchain resources and aims to help Japanese blockchain companies access overseas capital and technologies. Another goal is to attract Chinese blockchain companies to develop their high quality projects in Japan.

Japan attaches great significance to this forum. Not only are major website platforms reporting on this event, but also major bus stations and conference venues. Former Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama and Chairman of Taiyi Cloud Deng Di also attended the summit. In addition, major Japanese media such as NHK, The Kyoto Shimbun Co. Ltd, and TOYOKEIZAI ONLINE provided coverage for this event.

Former Japanese PM Yukio Hatoyama

The Metaverse blockchain project provides a foundational infrastructure for social and enterprise needs. Our goal is to build a virtual world in which digital assets (Metaverse Smart Token/Metaverse Identifiable Token) and digital identities (Avatars) transact value with the help of value intermediaries (Oracles). This ecosystem will transform society by taking the full range of human experience to the virtual — the New Reality. As the technology leader of Blockchain 4.0, the organizers invited Metaverse to be part of this gathering.

Hao Chen, Metaverse CTO, was invited to give a speech

In his speech, Hao Chen introduced the importance of Avatars on the blockchain and Blockchain as a Service (BaaS). He talked about how Metaverse makes convenient, secure digital financial services accessible to all applications at virtually no cost. To many in the mainly Japanese crowd, this concept was very new but also struck a chord with the enterprise members of various companies who were learning about BaaS. We see many traditional firms from various industries in Japan exploring the potential of blockchain, ample evidence that enthusiasm for this technology has not been dampened by a downturn in global markets.

After the speech, Metaverse Avatar and BaaS services garnered the public’s attention, and many participants gathered in front of the Metaverse exhibition booth to learn more about us. Our team was all hands on deck during this busy summit!

Metaverse hopes to discuss today’s hottest topics as well as the future of fintech along with speakers, innovators, entrepreneurs, leaders, and top KOL’s in the blockchain community. We want to analyze the latest trends and developments of blockchain in various Japanese markets, the challenges and opportunities of blockchain, and further explore ways to build a stronger and better ecosystem for this technology in cooperation with like-minded projects.

In this JBT Summit, Metaverse learned a lot and successfully left a good impression in Japan. In the future, there will be more places to spread the Metaverse vision as we expand globally!

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Telegram: t.me/Metaverse_Blockchain

Discord: https://discord.gg/56ky6fb

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Metaverse_Blockchain/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/mvs_org

Github: https://github.com/mvs-org/metaverse



William Jiang

Head of Marketing and Operations at Elevate Ventures and Advisory. Avid Golfer, UCSD Triton, grew up in SoCal.