Metaverse Bi-Weekly Report (9.24–10.7)

Metaverse Foundation
Published in
3 min readOct 7, 2018

Welcome to the Metaverse Bi-Weekly Progress Report for the week of September 24th and the week of October 1st! Read about our development and marketing progress in this weekly update brought to you by the Metaverse team.


- sign multisignature transactions

- multiple account support

Full node wallet:

- Released the v0.8.4 full node wallet

- Completed token swap between MST

- Supported digital identity queries by getaddressetp/getaddressasset command

Others core developments :

- Implemented Tezos wallet technology research

- Analyzed the causes for the block generation failure by abnormal transaction

- Sendrawtx command supported development and verification function of multi-signature order adjustment

Marketing updates

Blockchain Impact Investment Summit was held in Sept 28th at the Toronto Downtown Hilton Hotel. Hosted by Tim Draper, spoken from Bloomberg, Deloitte and 30 more blockchain technology companies has participated this event. Metaverse CEO Eric Gu delivered a speech about the development of cryptocurrency and blockchain in the foreseeable future! See more details at

Metaverse ETP joined “Vote For Your Coin Telegram Action “campaign by KuCoin from September 27 th to September 30th. Though, we did not get the winner of the second Vote for Your Coin Telegram Action according to the organic vote counting, we would like to thank everyone for participating and vote for Metaverse ETP in this voting competition.

Metaverse CEO Eric Gu is a senior expert in Fintech and Digital Assets, and a well-known opinion leader in many of the primary blockchain ecosystems. He has proactively participated in blockchain research and initiated cutting-edge technology projects since he came back from Canada. He was also one of the seven co-founders of what was previously Antshares, which is now as known as NEO. What makes his success and what his view about blockchain and digital assets, please see more details in Decentralized apps are the world’s new information superhighway, an interview with Eric Gu.

Metaverse strives to solve security issues and interoperability pain points for enterprises and individuals. Suppose that both Ethereum and Metaverse are two parallel highways with different features. The Metaverse team has built a bridge that connects these two highways by swapping ERC 20 tokens to Metavese MST and vice versa, which provides an easy way for projects to switch to Metaverse MST to find innovative features that are not available on the Ethereum network. For more details at Metaverse and Ethereum Cross Chain Token Swap

SF Blockchain Week is a world class blockchain conference and seeks to provide world-class education for both consumers and developers with the goal of pushing the boundaries of blockchain innovation. There is truly something for everyone at this action-packed event. Metaverse is one of SFBW 2018 sponsors and we are glad if you could come to our booth. For more info at



Metaverse Foundation

Metaverse Foundation aims to maintain the operations of Metaverse Blockchain and build a complete affluent Metaverse ecosystem through grants & education.