Metaverse Bi-Weekly Update March 20

William Jiang
Published in
3 min readMar 20, 2019



Since the launch of our latest update Pillars of Creation (MPC), our marketing focus has been on engaging the communities and answering any questions about MPC. Though confident before the launch, we were anxious to see how active PoS miners would be. After monitoring for 3 weeks, you, our beloved community, has delivered! We have a host of PoS miners from the community, and the list of PoS miners continues to grow. Our block time has also decreased an average of 10 seconds, meaning TPS has also increased by a good amount. Plus, the original depositors will receive their deposit-lock interest rewards sooner because the required block height for release will be reached sooner. Thank you all for helping Metaverse achieve this dual consensus vision!


Metaverse AMT (Ask Me Tech): every other Wednesday at 18:00 GMT+8 on Telegram

Ask any technical questions you desire to our core developers Sven and Laurent. Keep in mind this is not an AMA, and we reserve the right to ignore questions that are too far off topic, completely unrelated to technology, or downright FUD.

Foundation CEO Eric Gu spoke about his recollections of bulls and bears in an event at Xiamen towards the end of February. Over 80 people packed into a small space to hear Eric’s story with Bitcoin, blockchain, and his insights from the multiple bull and bear markets he has experienced. Details can be found in another Medium post here:

Metaverse was honored to be invited to the Hong Kong Blockchain Association “New Spring” gala, where the HKBA gave out awards to key blockchain projects within the Asia ecosystem. We were truly blessed to have won the HKBA’s “Technical Achievement Award for Blockchain Industry,” and we do not take this award for granted. We will continue to push the boundaries of blockchain technology and improve our technical capabilities with each iteration. Thank you to the Hong Kong Blockchain Association for hosting us. More information can be found here.

New Listing

As we continue to grow our influence around the world, we are always on the lookout for solid, reputable exchanges to list our utility token ETP. We are very honored to be able to list on Huobi Korea, one of the top exchanges in Korea with influence in the APAC region. You can go to to learn more about Huobi KR.


Official explorer:

  • added News Section to the explorer
  • PoS mining statistics (top miners, number of votes in the network)
  • fixed address balance calculation

Explorer API:

Added new API calls about PoS mining:

  • /mining/pos
  • /posvotes


  • added MST lock option

Updated Roadmap

We have updated the 2019 roadmap on the website, and you can see the screenshot above. In July, we plan to release Phase II of MPC, where we’ll have PoW+PoS+DPoS. This version will allow for DPoS mining on the lightwallet, which should make it easier to mine ETP. In November, we are forecasting an on-chain exchange where MST’s will be tradable right in the Metaverse wallet. Check out our updated home page here:

That is it for this update, and feel free to join our channels below to keep up to date with all that is happening in the Metaverse.



William Jiang

Head of Marketing and Operations at Elevate Ventures and Advisory. Avid Golfer, UCSD Triton, grew up in SoCal.