Metaverse DNA Technology Stack — Delivering Performance & Interoperability

Metaverse DNA
Published in
5 min readNov 7, 2019

Although blockchain in its current form has been around for more than a decade, there remain several sticking points which many protocols have struggled to overcome. The most pressing issues generally center around handling a high number of requests, leading to delays and rising fees, and communicating between chains.

For example, the Bitcoin protocol, launched in 2009, has almost 10,000 full nodes on its network and maintains a high level of security and decentralization, but inadequate transactions per second or TPS. This issue has become known as ‘scalability’, the ability of a blockchain protocol to a handle high volume of transactions at once, which many experts believe is essential for building a functioning ecosystem of decentralized applications and smart contracts.

On the other hand, many private chains claim to offer TPS in the millions and therefore a high degree of scalability, although they have just a few federated node operators. As a result, they lack adequate decentralization and therefore compromise on security and parity. The quest to strike a balance between these desirable traits has often driven new innovations in the blockchain space, such as the Lightning Network and Segwit in Bitcoin and the planned implementation of sharding on Ethereum.

Also of great importance is interoperability. At present, separate blockchains exist in isolation. A party transacting with an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum network may not send that asset to a different chain, like EOS. To build a truly inclusive blockchain ecosystem, interoperability needs to be built-in to multiple protocols.

The Dualchain Network Architecture, or DNA blockchain protocol, deploys a novel and highly sophisticated technology stack to solve the problems of scalability, security, and decentralization. However, the processes which go into making the DNA and Metaverse protocols work are complex, with many different technical aspects. Here, we look at the technology behind the DNA protocol and its foundational structure.

What is the Dualchain Network Architecture?

The Dualchain Network Architecture, or DNA, is a chain that runs in parallel to the original Metaverse ETP chain to facilitate higher transaction speeds and enable the use of Lightning channels. Inspired by the layered design of the internet, the DNA Dualchain focuses not on solving the blockchain trilemma in a single monolithic protocol, but instead by introducing two separate layers for performance and interoperability.

Named the Performance Layer (DNA-PL) and the Interoperability Layer (DNA-IL), this layered approach allows issues of interoperability or scalability to be approached and solved separately, rather than in a single chain.

So, why is this approach needed? Essentially, while other projects have attempted to solve interoperability and scalability on one chain and then encountered performance issues when both solutions are needed, DNA approaches these problems in parallel. This allows the DNA blockchain to scale without affecting interoperability and likewise allows interoperability without compromising on scalability.

How does the DNA chain interact with the Metaverse Blockchain?

The Metaverse mainnet, a hybrid PoW and PoS protocol, serves as DNA’s base chain. In other words, DNA is built on top of the Metaverse blockchain. It’s important to note however that the DNA protocol is designed as a standard, which will enable it to be used and applied across a range of other public or private blockchains. Like Lightning networks in other chains, DNA allows for a high TPS without delays on the main Metaverse blockchain. But unlike Lightning networks, DNA allows participants to transact without pre-establishing a dedicated payment channel. Instead, DNA features prebuilt channels between 23 Super Nodes and 529 Regular Nodes. If participants have an open channel to any one of those nodes, their transactions will be lightning fast.

Therefore, like Lightning networks, the DNA protocol operates separately to the Metaverse blockchain — facilitating payments and then communicating with the Metaverse blockchain once payment channels are closed, in order to update the blockchain.

Exchanging data between these two chains, for actions such as smart contract creation, dApps, and complex transactions, is essential. This is the impetus for Metaverse’s and the DNA protocol’s strategic partnership with KrawlCat, which enables cross-chain transactions and brings real-world data on-chain.

What is KrawlCat’s role within the DNA technology stack?

Distributed ledgers are open and transparent stores of data and value, as most blockchain enthusiasts will know. In simple transactions of value, for example where Alice sends one Bitcoin to Bob, there is little in the way of transactional data attached to that trade, as it is a peer-to-peer transfer of fungible assets between two parties.

However, when different digital assets are transferred between two parties, such as a non-fungible token pegged to the price of an ounce of gold, there are very few ways to actually verify that the underlying party has the tangible assets to back that digital token. Another example would be up-to-date pricing data from world foreign exchange markets or stock prices, which by itself a solitary blockchain has no outside knowledge of.

This is where Oracle providers like KrawlCat Generalized Oracle come in. Oracles bring off-chain data, some of which we’ve described above, onto the blockchain. We could think of this as migration of web 2.0 data into a web 3.0 environment, where data becomes integrated within the decentralized ledger, and can be used to inform many different types of transactions. This makes transactions on a blockchain truly ‘trustworthy’, as participants know that their transaction data has been verified by one or more third-parties.

KrawlCat is a generalized Oracle, which allows it to communicate across different blockchain protocols for true interoperability. Between the Metaverse blockchain and the DNA blockchain, the KrawlCat protocol acts as a bridge connecting the data of the two.

Key points to remember about the DNA technology stack

The technology underpinning DNA, KrawlCat, and the Metaverse blockchain are all founded on a highly sophisticated technology stack, which is constantly evolving as the protocol matures. But what are the most important aspects to note regarding this innovative new approach to a blockchain protocol?

The defining feature of the DNA chain is that it is being built in layers. Like the layers which make up the internet, DNA is working to solve both interoperability and scalability at the same time, without compromising on the performance or integrity of either.

Equally important is the DNA protocol’s status as a blockchain standard. It’s worth remembering that once the DNA protocol’s solution grows in popularity, it can be deployed across multiple blockchains worldwide — finally solving the scalability and interoperability dilemma.


Built on three core blockchain pillars: Security, Scalability, and Interoperability; The Dualchain Network Architecture (DNA) by Metaverse Team.

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Metaverse DNA

Built on three core blockchain pillars: Security, Scalability, and Interoperability. The Dualchain Network Architecture DNA by Metaverse