MyETPWallet ETP Bridge via SWFT Platform

Laurent Salou
Published in
4 min readMay 23, 2019

Since version 0.7.2, the ETP bridge of MyETPWallet provides the option to exchange ETP with many other major cryptocurrencies. It uses the SWFT platform to exchange cryptocurrencies from wallet to wallet, without having to go through a classic exchange.

This tutorial will describe how to buy or sell ETP using MyETPWallet.


Let’s start with buying ETP. First, go to the ETP bridge tab under the menu to create an order.

You can then choose which currency you want to deposit, and for which amount. In this example, I will deposit 0.05 ETH, but you can use many of the main cryptocurrencies including BTC, ETH, LTC, EOS or ETC.

The deposit amount is limited to a range, according to the deposit currency. You can also see the fees that will be applied by SWFT to do this transfer.

Then specify your refund address (where your deposit will be sent back if the order is cancelled) and select the Metaverse address that you want to use among the addresses of your wallet. Once everything is filled, you can create the order:

Your order will first be in the “Waiting for deposit” stage. The next step is to deposit your cryptocurrency to the SWFT deposit address specified, via your own wallet (in my case, I will use my Ethereum wallet to sent the deposit to the specified Ethereum address)

Once the deposit has been sent, you only need to wait that your deposit is mined, and SWFT will convert it to ETP at the current exchange rate and send the ETP to your address.

In the main ETP bridge page, you can see the history of your transactions. Click on “See details” to check the current status of your order. To guarantee your privacy, the order history is only stored locally on your device. It means that if you logout or use MyETPWallet on a different device, you will not be able to see your orders. If you need to change devices or logout, please save the order ID so you can import back the order (if you don’t, the order will still go through but you will not be able to check its status).

Once the deposit is completed, you will directly receive the ETP in your wallet!

Sell ETP

The process to sell ETP is very similar, except that after creating the order, you will this time do the ETP deposit from MyETPWallet. In this example, I will sell 10 ETP and receive LTC:

In the order details, I can use the Deposit button. It will bring you to the “Send” page, where you can send your ETP as you would usually do:

The recipient address and Amount field will be automatically filled with the SWFT deposit address and the amount specified in the order, so you only need to type your password and send the deposit:

Once the transaction is confirmed, SWFT will convert the ETP to the cryptocurrency to be received, and you will receive your coins directly in your wallet (in my case, my LTC will arrive directly in my Litecoin wallet).

What if I have an issue?

In case of any issues, please get in touch with SWFT support via their official website or via Telegram.


The ETP bridge of MyETPWallet gives you the possibility to easily exchange the major cryptocurrencies with ETP, directly wallet to wallet, without having to go through all the steps required by an exchange (deposit, buy/sell, withdraw, KYC/AML…), thus allowing Metaverse lightwallet users to have an additional channel to buy or sell ETP, thereby increasing the usage and liquidity of our utility token.

