Reflections on SFBW

William Jiang
Published in
5 min readOct 18, 2018
Hikaru, Manlin, William, and Chen Hao

Last week, ViewFin and Metaverse participated in the inaugural San Francisco Blockchain Week. Over the course of 4 days, we listened to many workshops, went to countless networking mixers, and introduced ViewFin and Metaverse to a base of crypto enthusiasts and media. We learned many things from our peers and audience throughout the action packed week at the Hilton Union Square in downtown SF. Here are some of my personal reflections and a recap of the trip (photos and interviews below).

Developers Abound

An immediate takeaway as we started the week on Monday was that compared to some of the other blockchain conferences in Asia, there were plenty of developers in the audience. They were all very interested and curious about what our public blockchain does and how Digital Identity on Metaverse works. Thankfully, we had ample support from our CTO Chen Hao and Bay Area ambassador Manlin Dai. Hikaru Kasai and Kenny Au from our portfolio dApp Luxchain also represented Metaverse with class and professionalism. The program for Monday and Tuesday of SFBW was “Epicenter”, and indeed for those two days the Metaverse booth was an epicenter of non-stop action and traffic.

Busy conference floor!
Demonstration of MyETPWallet

On Tuesday, Metaverse hosted a developer workshop which filled up a medium sized room, and we were happy to see so many developers interested about Metaverse technology and our simple, easy to use platform. We performed a demo on creating digital identities and digital assets and demonstrated the creations of MST and MIT. Then we brought up Hikaru to explain a real life use case for Metaverse in Luxchain and how Luxchain uses Metaverse MIT to digitize second hand luxury goods. Afterwards, many developers asked interesting and technical questions about our infrastructure, and Chen Hao answered these questions with grace. The 1 hour workshop went by like a breeze, and we continued to have conversations with the audience back at our booth. The overall experience from the first two days was definitely very positive, and we were humbled by so many responses from the community!

Crypto Economics Discussions

Wednesday and Thursday at SFBW were focused on crypto economics, so the speakers and audience were a bit different compared to the first two days. The keynote panel on Wednesday consisted of Vitalik Buterin, Karl Floersch, and Joseph Poon, leading pioneers in the blockchain industry. Hearing them talk about the evolution of consensus mechanisms and the future for different governance structures really made me think of how bright these individuals are and how much learning there is to do. These individuals are leading thought leaders and understand so much about the state of current protocols and future roadmaps. I can say that listening to them gave me extra motivation to learn more about the technical aspects of different blockchain designs and the pros and cons of these designs. The panel wrapped up with a discussion about what each individual has learned from each other over the years, and they all responded with humility and personal anecdotes that everyone in the audience can relate to, which was a touching way for the panel to end. It was truly a pleasure learning from these industry pioneers.

Packed room for the panel

I had the honor of participating in two interviews to describe Metaverse and our BaaS services. Thank you to Hack Crypto for shining a spotlight on our project and to KTSF 26 for allowing me to describe blockchain!

Final Thoughts

SFBW went by very quickly, and from our perspective, there is so much more to do to get our branding out in the U.S. Though many in China have heard about us, not a lot of people in Europe or the States know about ViewFin or Metaverse. SFBW is a very good start to a targeted marketing strategy that emphasizes offline community meetups over online PR, face to face interaction over online communication. Our key focus is our BaaS (Blockchain as a Service) platform, which provides enterprises who want to use blockchain technology as part of their businesses the infrastructure technology to build their platforms. We provide an all in one advisory and consulting package for all of our clients, and more details can be found here. Though we are somewhat in a bearish market, I would say the level of enthusiasm and the interest from the people we met at San Francisco show that blockchain and crypto are here to stay.

Special thanks to Ronen, Steven, Callis, and Jonathan from Noris and Dekrypt Capital for putting this event on and for your outstanding service. We hope to be back next year!

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William Jiang

Head of Marketing and Operations at Elevate Ventures and Advisory. Avid Golfer, UCSD Triton, grew up in SoCal.