We’re launching the DNA Community Bounty! 🥳

Metaverse DNA
Published in
3 min readSep 17, 2019

Dualchain Network Architecture (DNA) by Metaverse is a pioneering public blockchain built to solve for three of the major pain-points in blockchain technology — scalability, security, and true decentralization.

We’re happy to present the DNA Community Bounty for early supporters!

Just in time with our North-America launch, we will be distributing $5000 to reward our early supporters. The first campaign runs from Sept. 17 to Nov. 12 (for a total of 8 weeks). This is the beginning of a bounty program that will include further rounds with more prizes and social networks. Stay tuned!

See below how to participate.


We reserve up to $5,000 in DNA tokens of the project — distributed as follows:

  • 80% of DNA bounty tokens pool ($4000) for the main bounty campaign tasks
  • 20% of DNA bounty tokens pool ($1000) for extra short-terms contests and raffles in the frame of this bounty program.

All bounty participants will receive DNA points. In the end, all gained points will be converted into real DNA tokens to be credited into bounty participants’ Metaverse wallets. Get your MVS wallet address here >>>

  • Be aware that all bounty members are required to provide their unique Metaverse address in each corresponding subscription g-form (links below).

We wish you good luck and ask everyone to join our bounty activities!


Twitter Campaign Rules

80% out of the entire $5,000 bounty pool (in DNA tokens) is reserved for this bounty section

📝Mandatory terms of participation:

  • Have a minimum of 300 followers and 80% of real followers on Twitter. Their amount should not decrease under this number during the time period in which you were participating in this campaign.
  • Join our Telegram chat: https://t.me/mvsdna and stay there till the very end of our bounty program! This will be the main communication channel.

Execute these actions in order to gain points

1Follow the official Metaverse Twitter page:: twitter.com/MVSDNA and receive 1 DNA point for that.

  • Keep following the official project’s Twitter page until the end of the whole bounty program!

2 Create three custom tweets per week and get up to 6 DNA points for your activity (2 DNA per action). All tweets must include the following hashtags: #Dualchain #mvsdna #blockchain #cryptocurrency #DPoS #dapps.

  • The more self-made posts are creative, the more points are to be credited to a member. If any hashtag is missed, the participant doesn’t receive a task reward! All custom tweets must be at least 100 c. long
  • After all your tweets are published, Report your bounty activity once a week via this thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5188982

3 Like and retweet the official Metaverse tweets and get 2 points/retweet.

  • The more tweets are made, the more points are to be credited to a member.
  • Report your bounty activity once a week via this thread:

4 Write up to 2 comments per week under official Metaverse DNA tweets and get 6 DNA points (2 per comment)

  • The comment(s) must contain 100 symbols at minimum, be constructive and thoughtful. All “good/nice project/good luck/good team” comments can not be accepted!
  • After your comments are published, don’t forget to Report your bounty activity once a week via this thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5188982


You can increase your rewards

  • Each month our bounty team is launching short-term contests and raffles for all those who have subscribed for our media channels — Telegram & Twitter — and keeps on following them;
  • All activities, their terms and conditions will be announced on our Twitter page and in our Telegram chat;. Kindly follow all our channels not to miss all benefits prepared by the Metaverse DNA team!

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To receive our bounty support at any time and also to stay informed of all recent news of our project, join our telegram chat @https://t.me/mvsdna.

  • Should you have any issues with your campaign reports, kindly refer to your bounty manager — WapinterBounty (https://t.me/wapinter) via Telegram

To learn more about our project, check out our web page at mvsdna.com.



Metaverse DNA

Built on three core blockchain pillars: Security, Scalability, and Interoperability. The Dualchain Network Architecture DNA by Metaverse