What I Learned From the “Gov” Initiatives

Rosa Li
Published in
4 min readNov 27, 2018

On November 23, Metaverse’s business partner ViewFin attended a full day conference — — “The Unveiling Ceremony of Yangtze River Delta & Shanghai Blockchain Applied Technology Association” hosted by the National Eastern Tech-Transfer Center (netcchina.com/) and Shanghai Blockchain Technology Association (SHBTA).

It is also worth mentioning that in the first “China International Import Expo”, the regional integration of the Yangtze River Delta was promoted to operate as part of a national strategy. Shanghai Stock Exchange was announced to establish a science and technology board and a pilot registration system, which is prepared for blockchain entrepreneurs in Shanghai.

All of these initiatives demonstrate the positive attitude towards blockchain of regional governance entities.

A Governance Representative

At the ceremony, leaders from the Yangtze River Delta region (i.e. Shanghai, Zhejiang, and Jiangsu) discussed the significance of blockchain technology in the real economy of the Delta region from integration strategy to operations; the Head of Operations from the Shanghai Stock Exchange shared how the science and technology board will bring new capital market paths of blockchain technology to enterprises in the near future.

It is reported that RMB 1 billion equity was gathered at the first phase of the investment fund. Shanghai Blockchain Industry Guide Fund has been launched, focusing on the investment plan on “Blockchain Science and Technology”. The investment can benefit the real economy, offering resources to both suppliers and service buyers in the ecosystem.

Metaverse Quantitative Analyst: Jason Zhao, Public Relations: Rosa Li, Operations Analyst: Andrique Lin

The discussion centered around the future of crypto currencies and how quantum cryptography will further accelerate the formation of large-scale distributed networks, and consider one more thought: “Utopia” uses code and philosophy as its foundation.

The so-called “Utopia” is not a fantasy. Also, there is no need to use violence and waste money. The competition of the 21st Century relies on the competition of the super-application platform created by the underlying philosophy of technology and code. If any conflict is about to start, it’s probably caused by issues relating to the “code”, “basic science”, and “network security”.

View from the Conference Venue

For those superpowers who host the cloud infrastructures of many countries’ networks, they are capable of controlling the underlying network of the world. With just one click, you could considerably weaken one country’s national Internet strength. This could cause network shackles, trading constraints, and market turmoil. Due to the weak economy, it is easier to launch a public opinion war, triggering civil strife from external troubles through the stream of consciousness attack. “Smash a sovereign state” within one day is not a dream, it could become reality, like these conspiracy theories that come into the spotlight every now and then.

The fact that Metaverse presented at this conference further strengthened the collaborations between governance entities and industrial organizations, propelling the development of the blockchain industry. Owning one of the largest talent pools in the world, there is much more to explore in this growing and exciting field.

What is Metaverse

Metaverse is an open-source public blockchain that provides digital assets, digital identities and Oracles as a foundational infrastructure for social and enterprise needs. Through Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS), we make convenient, secure digital financial services accessible to all applications at virtually no cost.

Founded in 2016, Metaverse went live in February of 2017. We strongly believe that blockchain technology is the catalyst for a better future — the New Reality.

MST + Avatar + Oracles + On-chain Exchange = The New Reality

Digital assets (Metaverse Smart Token aka. MST) on Metaverse blockchain are trust-free, traceable and immutable decentralized smart properties that can be freely registered, transferred, issued, deposited, used as collateral and burnt.

Digital identities (Avatar) are self-sovereign identity ledgers on the Metaverse blockchain. Digital credit is created through interactions with assets and other identities.

Oracles are service providers with digital identities. Rather than decentralization, Metaverse integrates intermediaries into the blockchain, providing rapid and transparent supervision.

Metaverse allows value to be exchanged freely and easily. Control of assets is returned to the user, preventing asset theft.

As a value investment ETP is circulated across global leading exchanges, including RightBTC (https://www.rightbtc.com/) and Bitfinex (https://www.bitfinex.com/).

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