An NFT Weekly Recap: 1/10–1/16 By Metaverse HQ

Metaverse HQ
Published in
15 min readJan 18, 2022

Since MVHQ opened its doors to the public back in July, we have posted Daily Recaps for all of our members to read. These have provided updates that help paint a picture of the happenings of the surrounding NFT climate.

While our Daily Recap will remain a pivotal value add to our members inside the server, we will now be releasing an unfiltered Weekly Recap.

These will combine all of the daily posts into one and will provide an opportunity to reflect on the week that was.

Monday, 1/10

A substantial dip in volume today as we finished almost 40% under yesterdays highs, closing at a still healthy $169 million in OpenSea transactions. With the new LooksRare marketplace still stabilizing it will be interesting to see the volume numbers and their impact to OS as we move forward.

  • PhantaBears (5.79E floor, 3500E vol) continued to see massive volume, as did CryptoSkulls (.7E, 2100E vol) and ArtBlocks (2328E vol). LinksDAO (.96E, +183%) was the big floor gainer today, while Bored Bunny (1.37E, +37%), Superlative Apes (.93E, +144%), Meebits (3.95E, +16%) and Nuclear Nerds (.3E, +25%) also had solid green days.
  • LooksRare, a new NFT Marketplace on the Ethereum blockchain, launched overnight while also introducing the $LOOKS token which was claimable based on the amount of OpenSea activity a wallet had between 6/16 to 12/16. The marketplace aims to provide rewards to traders through a staking mechanic with stakers earning 100% of trading fees. All post-launch details can be found here:
  • Book Games, a project by Gary Vee and Vee Friends, released their marketplace earlier today. Book Games tokens were made claimable based off the number of books purchased a few months ago and is hosted on Immutable X. Secondary action picked up throughout the night with floors now holding at .18E with over 15k holders. All details can be found here:
  • Art Blocks Curated: Chimera, by artist @mpkoz sold out its 987 supply collection at a Dutch Auction price of 2.4E. The art represents a “mutation of genetics merging” and saw heavy secondary volume with a few 20E+ sales. Floor currently sits at 2.7E on 2.2E traded with 731 holders.
  • CryptoRaiders discovered a vulnerability in their LPs. Thankfully, it has not been exploited. However, this means you’ll need to unstake your LP position and restake it here to start earning rewards again: Also, there is a UI bug in their quest page, and you’ll need to end the quest for your raiders by tomorrow in order to receive the Grimweed and experience earned. They have a more in-depth explanation about both instances in their latest announcement on discord. (ty @JakeAndBake)
  • CryptoSkulls, a historical collection from 2019 that claims to be the 2nd 10k project behind only CryptoPunks, sustained a humongous overnight pump with the help of tweets from Gary Vee and Medved with big buys from a variety of influencers. Initial sales early on could be had in the .05-.1E range with floors eventually seeing 1E sales. Current floor is holding firm in the .7E range on over 2100E volume in a very short amount of time. An old fashioned night crew cook.

Tuesday, 1/11

Opensea closed out the day bringing in $176 milliion in volume which was an incremental uptick over yesterday’s pace. Much more interestingly, the new LooksRare marketplace did a whopping $322 million in volume, most of which can be attributed to wash sales of people trying to take advantage of the platforms reward system (see below for more details.)

  • Doodles (11.88E, +13.47%) saw another nice floor pop today, officially putting some distance between them and Cool Cats (10.6E, -3%). The OxyaOriginProject (1.5E, 11%) saw some sustained pre reveal momentum, while Jadu Hoverboards (1.22E, +322%) were the day’s biggest floor gainer on the back of news regarding Sandbox implementation.
  • LooksRare NFT Marketplace has taken in over $320 million in volume over its first 24 hours. While the platform did flip Opensea in total volume for the day, some of that can be attributed to alleged occurrence of wash trades. Advisor and Twitter personality, Dingaling, tweeted this thread to add insight into whats going on.
  • Billionaire Bunker, a project that aims to be the leader in investing and trading strategy, sold out today at a .088E mint cost. Floors reached as high as .24E and currently sit at .225E on 196E traded with 2.2k holders.
  • PXQuest, a project that allows holders to “duel, raid and build a kingdom with your friends,” sold out the remaining 824 of its 5k supply quickly earlier today. Unrevealed floors touched as high a .69E and currently sit at .55E on 1300E traded with 4.1k holders.
  • Laid Back Llamas, a 3D art project that aims to bring a TV series to life, sold out the remaining 3k of its 7k supply in just a few minutes at a .1E public mint cost. Floors touched as high as .49E, and are currently holding firm at .41E on 1200E traded with 3.3k owners.
  • Caked Apes, a project that details “What happens when a group of apes working in a bakery gets pissed on by birds putting out a fire set by potatoes,” sold out the remainder of its 8888 supply at a .069E mint price. Secondary action has been hot as floors touched .35E at one point and now are holding a .28E floor on 708E traded with 3.6k holders.
  • Rug Radio, an Genesis NFT collection for holders of the membership pass, claims to be the “first fully decentralized web3 media platform where community hosts and owns the platform.” The member only mint window will be open for 72 hours before opening up to public sale if any are still remaining. Current floors are holding at .25E on 61E traded with 3.5k holders.
  • AO Art Ball, a project affiliated with the Australian Open tennis tournament, kicked off its mint today exclusive to Metakey holders. The project aims to complete the Opens full metaverse vision by rewarding holders with physical tennis balls whenever a championship point is recorded. Floors are holding at .33E on 184E traded with 3k owners. Public sale opens tomorrow. Full details can be found in this thread:
  • In yet another Night Crew special, the legend of Ghozali_Ghozalu was born as his collection of self portrait photography was discovered in viral fashion. Nudged along by Daddy @Jinzo and a series of twitter personalities, one of which with 2 million followers, Ghozali Everyday displays a series of daily photos that he took over the course of a 5 year period. Initial sales could be had at .001E and now sees an astonishing .6E floor on over 200E traded!

Wednesday, 1/12

For the third day in a row we saw a slight uptick in volume as we closed at $192 million in Opensea transactions about a 5% increase from yesterday. A trend on female art projects picked up World of Women (8.5E, +127%, 6k volume) and Boss Beauties (.9E, +114%). Cyberkongz VX (2.45E, +29%) and CyberKongz (8.8E, +27%) held it down for the Kongz crew while, Smilesssvrs (.64E, +42%) and Capsule House (1.83E, +32%) also ended in the green.

  • 10KTF, the merchandise inspired art project from Wagmi-san, announces that the project will be dropping a new ERC-20 token called NTD. The token will be required for the next phase of the project, including materials, tools and physical rewards. Floor prices popped from .18E to .3E on the news and is still holding at .26E.
  • Pixel Vault released details for the claim of their “Elite Ape Tokens” which will be used in a raffle to determine minting of their Punks Comics #2 Elite Ape Editions. You can find more details in the FAQ in the Pixel Vault Discord linked below. Claim period begins today at, 1/12 at 3 PM PST and is open until 1/31. (ty @Silvaserger):
  • Azuki, an anime inspired project that aims to “build a brand for the metaverse, built by community,” sold out its 10k collection at the top Dutch Auction rung of 1E. Secondary action has been hot and heavy all day with an initial floor rip to 2.2E, a pullback to the 1.7E range and then a slow grind the rest of the day to its current 2.3E range on over 6500E volume with 3.8k holders.
  • Galaxy Warriors came into its public sale with just under 2000 mints remaining and sold out their 9999 supply collection at a .18E mint price. The project, which is the follow up to the popular Galaxy Eggs collection from artist Gal Barkan, holds a pre-reveal floor of .21E on 99E traded with 4.3k holders.
  • The Jims, a smallish Toadz art project by Gremplin and FingerprintsDAO, sold out its 2048 supply at a .069E mint price. Secondary sales were on fire as floors touched .8E at one point but have now settled into a comfortable .34E range on 753E traded with 1k owners.
  • AO Artball sold out the remainder of its 6776 supply at a .067E mint cost. The NFTs are attached to specific plots on the Australian Open tennis court that comes with live updated stats. Floors are still holding a strong .35E floor on 904E volume with 4.3k holders.
  • Undead Pastel Club, a Mutant Ape and Doodle inspired derivative created by the owner of MAYC #17458 sold out at a .1 mint price. The 9999 supply collection had strong secondary action that grinded its way up to a .38E floor at one point and has now settled into its current .3E range on 1200E traded with 5.6k holders.

Thursday, 1/13

For the 4th straight day volume on Opensea increased, this time with a larger bump to close over $228 million, an almost 20% gain over yesterdays number. Some big secondary numbers from Monfters (.4E, 400%), FLUF World (6.6E, +53%), Robotos (1.07E, +33%) and The Indifferent Duck (.28E, +47%) helped carry the action, while PhantaBears (3.44E, -14%) and PX Quest (.34E, -13%) suffered slight pullbacks on the day.

Friday, 1/14

Large update for the Daily Recap today as there was a ton of action and newsworthy items, so bear with me and get a little cozy. Lets dive right in…

Another uptrend day as we closed out about 5% higher than yesterday at $239 million in daily volume on Opensea, which marked the fifth straight day of volume increase as we head into the weekend. Both historical and women focused projects continued their strong weekly trend as World of Women (9E, +14%), Alpha Girl Club (.25E, +25%) and WomenRise (.38E, +61%) held it down for the ladies, while Mooncats (1.02E, +45%), CryptoArte (.34E, +89%), Curio Cards (.7E, +18%) and Crypto Bots (.44E, +214%) also saw strong sustained volume throughout the day.

  • World of Women headline an article on Rolling that touches on the success of the project, Reese Witherspoons involvement, balancing female representation in the NFT world and pushing the space forward.
  • Bored Ape Yacht Club announced that registration for their upcoming BAYC x MAYC mobile game is once again live, noting that everyone will need to re-register even if you completed it previously. The game has been delayed for over a month due to complications with the Apple app store. Registration is scheduled to close on 1/20 at 11:59 PM EST.
  • Cool Cats announce that their upcoming companions, Cool Pets, will make their much anticipated release on 1/28 at a mint cost of .5E.
  • NFL All-Day announces that in coordination with Dapper Labs they will be launching NFT collections with NFL clubs starting with the 49ers earlier today, which is now completely sold out.
  • Pixel Vault is giving away Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn DAO tokens based on a previous snapshot of holders of their other NFT’s. Click the link below and connect your wallet to see if you won. Claim window is open for six more days. (ty @Silvaserger)
  • The Sandbox announces that all landowners will receive an airdrop of 100 $SAND to give appreciation to their community. (thanks @6MIL)
  • For the 2nd straight day, Parallel teases an image and date, this time for their upcoming PDIII drop set to take place on 2/26.
  • Mooncats tweeted that the project is now officially 100% on-chain and in turn protecting all of their metadata to be engrained on the blockchain forever.
  • Peaceful Groupies announce details to its long awaited $PEACE token which includes tiered allocations based on the amount of time someone has held a Groupie, in addition to a 2 year distribution that starts the day of launch. The token will be used to “interact with everything in the Peacevoid ecosystem for both the Metaverse and IRL cases…”
  • Budweiser announced Budweiser Royalty a collection of 11k NFTs with 3 rarities that will allow different levels of access to the “rising stars”. It appears the utility is IRL access and perks. Cost will be $499/each which includes $75 gas. Gold can holders get airdropped 1 free Budweiser Royalty NFT per can held and early access to mint. (ty @UnderwaterLlama) Server announcement here:
  • PhantomGalaxies announced a compensations structure for those who were scammed when their discord was hacked. They also announced utility for the Halberd-001 NFT along with some general deliverables for February. (ty @UnderwaterLlama)
  • Animetas announce a reminder that they will be releasing their Hovercars shooter game in Q1 of 2022 and that holders can still claim their hovercars for free until 2/23.
  • Alien Frens once again teases a companion NFT set for more details on January 20th.
  • Fan Controlled Football, an offshoot league where games are coached with fan involvement, announces the closing of a $40 million investment which includes Animoca Brands and Delphi Digital, and aims to help enhance their product by bridging sports and blockchain technology. They also landed Bored Ape Yacht Club and Gutter Cat Gang expansion teams to add to the Knights of Degen and Team 8AOKI.
  • Yokai Kingdom, a collection of hand drawn trading card NFTs inspired by ancient Japanese Mythology, sold out its 8888 supply at .0888E. The project will act as a key to unlocking their upcoming metaverse and P2E game. Floors spiked as high as .4E before settling into its current .29E price on 1400E traded with 4.7k owners.
  • C-01, a project from Warner Brothers designer Gilberto Zaragoza that “represents the synergy between the world of fashion and digital ownership art,” sold out its raffle based mint at a .25E mint cost with 2 max per wallet. Current floor is holding a strong 1.5E floor on 6300 traded with 5.2k owners.
  • Doodlesaurs World, a dinosaur inspired Doodle derivative, sold out its 7777 supply at a .02E mint cost. The collection saw a brief .04E floor before plummeting below .01E on just 13E traded with 2.7k owners.
  • Onion Meta, a NFT project launched by Taiwanese Youtuber Onion Man, sold out its 1024 supply at a .3E mint price. The collection has seen substantial secondary action and currently holds a firm 1.42E floor on 184E traded after touching a 2.5E floor earlier in the day. (ty @Greenie)
  • Syltare, the Korean P2E card trading NFT on the Klatyn blockchain that minted out at .252E two days ago, released 8.5K supply to those who minted during Presale Stage 2 & Public mint. The team froze the collection on OpenSea for a day to go through all transactions to filter out bot-like txns. After airdropping the NFTs to the legitimate minters, the 10K collection holds floor of .71E with 899E traded. (ty @Ralle)

Weekend Recap: 1/15–1/16

Another monster volume weekend as we saw $444 million in Opensea transactions over the two day stretch, officially making this the highest volume month of all time…and we still have half way to go. Big mints held up well as Lil Heroes (2.08E, 6300E), X Rabbits Club (1.28E, 4200E) and 3D FrankenPunks (.58E, 2800E) all combined for over 13,300E in total volume, while floor gain winners included Robotos (1.79E, +30%), FlyFish Club (7.17E, +22%), DeadFellaz (2.95E, +40%) and OnChain Monkey (1.69E, +29%).

  • Lil’ Heroes, a project created by Spanish contemporary artist Edgar Plans, sold out its 7777 supply but not after a contract exploit allowed whitelist minters to use their signature in an alternate function to mint up to 50 in one wallet. Big shoutout to @Thumper28 for discovering the exploit, leading to some massive MVHQ wins. Floor price is currently holding a strong 2.08E floor on 6300E volume with 3.9k owners.
  • Dr. ETHvils 3D FrankenPunks, a project by 3DPunks that has granted IP royalties to specific holders of many popular NFT projects including BAYC and Cool Cats, sold out the remainder of its supply at a Dutch Auction price of .5E. The collection, which allows holders to create and influence project developments, currently has a .58E floor on 2800E traded with 5k holders.
  • X Rabbits Club, a 7.5k supply project that was “derived from an IP in China called Lentoo from 2010,” sold out at a .0502E mint cost. The project hopes to integrate a metaverse with upcoming airdrops and branding as well. Action on secondary was red hot as floors are currently holding a strong 1.29E floor on 4200E traded with 3.4k holders.
  • Walmart is coming to the Metaverse. A detailed article reports that the company has filed several new trademarks and plans to create its own cryptocurrency, a collection of NFTs and digital consumables.
  • Axie Infinity released their January Dev Update which touches team additions, the progress of Origin, Land and updates to RON.
  • Wolf Game releases an updated Whitepaper and announces a $50k bounty for anyone that can exploit it. (ty @breadbrad)
  • Smolbrains announced their 30 day roadmap including Treasure Farming, Plots airdrop, & Pets Drop. (ty @UnderwaterLlama)
  • Candy Digital, a company that offers “digital assets for fans and collectors,” finally opened its marketplace for Major League Baseball collectibles. The venture, which is most notably backed by Gary Vee and Fanatics, is now open to buy, sell and trade.
  • Nudie Community, a project led by an all-female team with big brand experience such as Microsoft, Nike, Google, L’Oreal and Coors, sold out their 10k supply at a .07E mint cost. Floors got as high as .14E and now hold an unrevealed .12E floor on 339E traded with 4k owners.
  • LandDAO, a project that aims to “strategically acquire land and assets in established Metaverses,” sold out its 7388 supply at a .0888E. Floors are currently holding at .14E on 828E traded with 3.6k holders.
  • Braindrops sold out its latest art project, this time a music NFT called “Fake Feelings” featuring Dadabots and the Canadian band Silverstein, at a .1E mint cost. The collection of songs is holding up with a strong .24E floor with a 4E high sale.
  • Isoroom, a new metaverse inspired project that allows holders to display their NFTs, sold out its 3k supply at a .0888E mint cost. The Genesis collection spiked to floors as high as .5E and currently hold at a .29E range on 571E traded with 2.2 owners.
  • IreneDAO, a meme inspired 1000 supply project, stealth dropped with a free mint and has rapidly gained attention in the NFT world. The project, which features model Irene Zhao, has amassed over 1900 in volume with floors touching around 5E at one point. Current floors are holding at 1.89E with 517 holders.

Published by Poopaloop | Admin of Metaverse HQ

MetaverseHQ (MVHQ) is an exclusive tokenized community of #NFT traders, investors, builders and educators.

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