An NFT Weekly Recap: 10/24–10/30 by Metaverse HQ

Metaverse HQ
Published in
7 min readOct 31, 2022

Monday 10/24

Reddit NFTs continue to be the talk of the town as peak FOMO has set in for those still looking for entry into the social platforms avatar ecosystem. While, overall volume across the marketplace was low today, there were plenty of headlines to go around, including; a Twitter native crypto wallet, Fewo x Christies Auctionhouse, Apple updated terms and conditions regarding NFTs and much more. Opensea volume closed under $8 million for the third straight day while ETH held steady above $1330.


Tuesday 10/25

Tuesday saw a strong rally in nearly all markets as crypto ran and floors around the NFT space dipped as a result. Art Blocks (650E vol.) continued to fuel most of the volume across the market as Seedphrase continued acquiring grails for their collection. ETH ran up as high as 12% on the day before settling around $1480 while Opensea volume saw a slight rebound as well to $9 million even with markets ripping. Meanwhile the Gutter Cat Gang had quite the day with a series of announcements as Snofrow detailed his intentions to mint out the Squiggle collection before the end of the 2022 year.


Wednesday 10/26

Marketplace volume trended upwards for the third day in a row with a close above $9 million. While the broader crypto market stayed hot and kept many NFT project floors in the red, some notable action could be found in the form of a $2 Million offer placed on Punk #6965 and Gutter Cat Gang #2711 being purchased for 30E. ETH continued its recent surge, maintaining levels above $1550.


Notable Mints:

  • VoxVot sold out its free whitelist mint and saw floors run as high as .05E with floors holding in the .03E range on almost 90E total volume.
  • Friday Beers sold out its heavily botted mint in under 2 minutes at a .089E mint price for their Allowlist and .095E for public. The project has not seen much traction on the marketplace with floors currently under mint at .063E on over 160E in volume.

Thursday 10/27

Mints were firing left and right as an action packed day engaged the space. The morning began with several mints popping off concurrently with DC Comics Superman NFT, RTFKT, and Dapper’s newest product La Liga Golzaos all keeping voice chat abuzz. After the mints calmed down we saw significant news from Dmitri Cherniak and the Apecoin account as they await the results of their bug bounty proposal. Opensea continued its slow sojourn upwards to break the $10 million mark. ETH also saw a bit of a retracement all the way down to $1500.


Notable Mints:

  • RTFKT dropped their RTFKT x RIMOWA Meta-Artisan Collection. The drop was marred by exploits in the contract and a poor user experience but saw respectable volume after sellout nonetheless. The collection is comprised of workerbots (.26E) and luxury high-end luggage made by Rimowa (2.37E) of differing tiers.

Weekend Recap 10/28–10/30

There was steady action in the marketplace over the weekend as we’ve seen a 3-day closing average of $8.8 million. All eyes are on ArtGobblers as the much anticipated project aims to launch its Allowlist only mint. CryptoDickButts (2.77E) saw a surge in activity after Elon Musk tweeted out an image of the project. DigiDaiGaku (11.5E) continues to see a small runup in anticipation of its upcoming airdrop. Potatoz (1.47E) have also maintained a steady pace with floor gains of over 18% over the past week. ETH cooled a bit into the weekend but is still holding steady above $1580.


