Metaverse HQ Hosts Hunger Brainz for a Twitter Spaces and Secures Early Access for All Their Members

Jacob Meyer
Metaverse HQ
Published in
3 min readJan 6, 2022

2022 may very well be the year of NFT gaming. We’ve already seen games like Ether Orcs, Wolf Game, and their hundreds of clones, completely overwhelm all of OpenSea’s volume and the Twittersphere.

While 2022 will bring many new off-chain games with exciting NFT implementations, like Phantom Galaxies and Big Time, there will always be a special place in MVHQ degen’s hearts for fully on-chain gaming. This phenomenon started with Anonymice, taking the first big step forward by storing their art completely on-chain and creating their own utility token generated from each mouse called $CHEETH. Ether Orcs made the next move by shocking the world with their incredible art, Orc Gods, engaging GUI, raids, and pillaging to upgrade your gear. Wolf Game was the last big advancement in on-chain gaming by adding a locked staking mechanism and risk to the gameplay with a chance to have your $WOOL or NFT stolen.

All these games played their role in moving the space forward and MVHQ is excited to partner with Hunger Brainz because we see this as the next big innovation by not only including the risk to steal other’s NFTs or upgrade your own but also for there to be a chance your NFT dies and is destroyed altogether. This new mechanic adds a level of risk we haven’t seen before in on-chain gaming and on top of that, Hunger Brainz is the first fully on-chain PvP wargame. Instead of players competing as individuals as we’ve seen in previous games, in Hunger Brainz you are competing collectively to defeat the opposing faction. This introduces new levels of game theory and coordination that will give smart players the opportunity for arbitrage and tough decisions to try and earn the most profit and become victorious before phase 2.

MVHQ is excited to host Hunger Brainz for a Twitter Spaces on Thursday, January 6th at 6 pm EST to dive into the game theory, the history of the project and its humble beginnings from inside MVHQ’s walls, as well as determining the best plan of attack for their launch early next week.

The Hunger Brainz team was generous enough to offer white lists spots for all MVHQ members and we are excited for the game theory and Horde vs. Survivor drama to dominate voice chat for the next few weeks.

If you are interested in learning more about Hunger Brainz or MVHQ, make sure to stop by our Twitter Spaces tomorrow or one of our Discords: +

Big shoutout to the Hunger Brainz Founders and MVHQ MVPs: Grape Dutch & Mick Ross, the Hunger Brainz Admin: Brawlers42 & Jacob Meyer, as well as the Hunger Brainz Mod Team: AirTightGinger, Elektro, Flashmob96, and HutcherRacchi2.

WHAT: MVHQ x Hunger Brainz Twitter Spaces
WHEN: Thursday, January 6th @ 6PM EST
WHO: Hunger Brainz Founders + Admin

Hunger Brainz is the first-ever fully on-chain PvP wargame, where two factions (Survivors and Horde) will fight for supremacy by stealing and converting the opposition, earning tokens, creating new combatants, and putting their lives on the line for the fate of humanity.


Published by Jacob Meyer | Marketing Lead at Metaverse HQ

Metaverse HQ (MVHQ) is an exclusive tokenized community of #NFT traders, investors, builders, and educators.

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