10,000 Metabits Token Airdrop: Adding Metabits Token on Metamask Wallet

Metaverse Official
Published in
2 min readNov 8, 2021

Good news! There are 10,000 Metabits (BITS) tokens given away for airdrop. And the distribution starts on November 7, 2021. But only the first 1000 people who sign this form will be accommodated for the distribution.

It’s not yet too late to join the airdrop. Fill up the form today.

How to Add Metabits Token On Your Metamask Wallet?

Do you have any concerns on how to add Metabits(BITS)Token to your Metamask wallet? Don’t be anxious! You’re on the right track if you’re reading this. Follow this easy-to-follow step-by-step tutorial.

Step 1. The first step is to log into your Metamask wallet. Make sure your wallet is connected to Binance Smart Chain (BSC) Network, otherwise you’ll have trouble adding it. To connect your metamask wallet to BSC Network click here.

Step 2. After logging in, click the “Import Token” option.

Step 3. Paste the Metabits contract address: 0xfe2cd84d547bb635e6843557a7b2068937c5feb8, then add the name Metabits, symbol “BITS” and decimal “18”, then click the “Add Custom Token”.

Step 4.Click “Import Token”.

Step 5. Metabits Token is now added to your metamask wallet.

TIP: Find your account address on the blockchain explorer for the network you’re using (etherscan.io for Ethereum Mainnet, bscscan.com for BSC network, etc. ), then choose the coin you wish to show in MetaMask and copy the contract address from the Profile Summary.

For more insight on the project, check https://metadapp.org/

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Metaverse Official

Metaverse is a Decentralized Exchange on Binance Smart Chain, an improved version and fork of Uniswap and PancakeSwap. 🌌 https://metadapp.org