Metaverse Celebrates Its 1st Anniversary: Metamazing Giveaway Awaits You.

Metaverse Official
Published in
2 min readJan 5, 2022
Metaverse 1st Year Anniversary

It’s been a year since METAVERSE has started its amazing journey as an immersive virtual world with immense social and financial potential.

Since 2021, the decentralized world of Metaverse has spread greatness to its users by giving them a unique fun experience by creating a holistic cryptocurrency experience by providing a decentralized exchange platform that offers a variety of features to engulf your Defi world.

Today, as Metaverse celebrates its 1st anniversary in the crypto world, the Metamazing family of Metaverse will be giving away a pool of 5,000 metabits to 50 lucky winners who will participate in Metaverse’s giveaway mechanics.

As we celebrate the new year, Metaverse also celebrates reaching a total of 11,000 Facebook likes and followers and 3,800 followers on Twitter and still counting!

Does this sound amazing? What are you waiting for? Be part of the amazing world of Metaverse and experience the fun of digital assets as you’ve never had before!

For more updates and metaverse project’s latest news, do not forget to follow Metaverse’s official facebook, Twitter, and official medium! Be the boss today with Metaverse!

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Metaverse Official

Metaverse is a Decentralized Exchange on Binance Smart Chain, an improved version and fork of Uniswap and PancakeSwap. 🌌