User Engagement In The Metaverse | MetaVersus

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5 min readMay 16, 2022

User Engagement in MetaVersus

MetaVersus is focused on creating a combined world economy powered by massive user engagement. Users will be able to live in, enjoy and maximise their existing lifestyle within MetaVersus or create a new and unique virtual lifestyle. This is a true gaming Metaverse for everyone — business owners, explorers, gamers, creators and the everyday individual. People from all walks of life will be able to converge in MetaVersus to achieve their individual purpose or to just live freely away from the physical world.

MetaVersus presents exponential opportunities that brands can leverage to skyrocket their user engagement which will increase brand awareness and sales. The Metaverse has grown beyond gaming and different industries are discovering how to take advantage of the trend to grow their community. MetaVersus is powered by cutting edge technologies that can handle an influx of thousands of users as the Metaverse and web 3.0 trend soars higher. In a world directly impacted by lockdowns, remote work space, global events and rapid economic change, MetaVersus will record massive user engagement. Snoop Dogg’s Metaverse experience, AliBaba and BurBerry’s “Double 11 “Metaverse Art Exhibition”, “The Australian Open in the Metaverse” are tips of the iceberg compared to the kind of events that will be held in MetaVersus.

Virtual Life

MetaVersus will create fun-filled events with many features that will enable social interaction among thousands of monthly active users. This immersive virtual life consists of countless thrilling and rewarding experiences to engage and enthral users. One can envisage a virtual world where everything that probably seems impossible in the physical world will be completely possible in the virtual world. People need a world where they are comfortable to be themselves and they have 100% control over their choices and the kind of world they want. With thousands of customisable avatars, users will also be able to give room to express themselves and be who they want to be. Everybody is unique and special, hence should not be limited to basic avatars or characteristics that lack the ability to fully describe or express their individual personalities.

Gen Z or Millennials

MetaVersus is one complete Metaverse that will cater for both Gen Z and the Millennials. Of course, Gen Zs are used to virtual platforms and will easily blend into using and adapting to the different worlds. With special services, rewards, discounts, and simplified guides, the older generation can also benefit from all the rewarding and engaging aspects of MetaVersus. Gen Z user experiences are evolving and they desire more self-service alternatives, on-demand experiences, and empathic interactions. User engagement will be high because people have gotten used to shopping online, having virtual meetings, enjoying eSports, casting their screens and using streaming devices. The millennials are already adapting to the use of virtual spaces and online communities. Data from a research conducted by Morning Consult shows that a good percentage of Millennials are interested in attending live music and sports events in the Metaverse. Gen Z have a record of willingness to spend more in the metaverse since existing in different avatars resonates better with the personalities they want to express.

User Retention- MetaVersus’ Solution to Barriers of Entry

To achieve optimal user engagement, MetaVersus is building a virtual world without barriers of entry. From over 10,000 plus customizable avatars, music concerts and live events, fashion shows to gaming, MetaVersus has integrated every tool and feature that optimises user’s engagement and ensures that they have an absolutely seamless experience. For the average user, the Metaverse could present barriers of entry and limit how much they can benefit from the Metaverse.

MetaVersus will create a mainstream experience for every user and will be open to as many users as possible. One of the major barriers is the inability for many people to access the unique aspects of the Metaverse because they need the AR/VR devices. Or the onboarding process is too complex. The cost and consumer awareness of these devices may provide obstacles to the widespread adoption of the Metaverse by potential everyday users. On the other hand, MetaVersus built an immersive virtual world that everyone can access without the need for VR/AR devices. Simple onboarding processes, affordable cost of purchase of basic virtual items, optimized UI/UX to accommodate every user, token rewards and incentives, and free trials are different ways to ease barriers to entry.

Gaming and Rewards

Players will have a plethora of games at their disposal to engage in, hours at a time. Beyond the fun, gamers would be able to enjoy the thrill of a rewarding gaming experience through the play-to-earn economic model. User experience is proportional to user engagement and this is an important factor towards taking the Metaverse mainstream. People will have the chance to test new games from their favourite game developers before launch. Anticipating game launches and tournaments will skyrocket and retain users’ attention and engagement.

Earnings and Royalties

One of the features that will attract more users to MetaVersus is the different earning options for everyone. Artists would be able to keep 100% of the royalties they earn from their fans. The Metaverse will present an opportunity to boost revenue generated from advertising. Also, the Metaverse will provide a setting in which brands can engage in conversation with avatars through the use of branded loot boxes, quests and fan tokens.

Brand and Influencer Marketing

Unlike what happened with social media between 2007 to 2010, when many marketers did not see the advantage in participating in social media. And 12 years later, social media became a fundamental, daily part of life for the vast majority of the world. This time around, the narrative is different because adoption will take a new level. The Metaverse will change marketing as we know it.

Business owners will be able to advertise their brands to a global audience, thereby increasing their visibility and sales. MetaVersus takes content and existing business models to a new innovative level. A new, innovative and exciting world like MetaVersus will draw user engagement to a record breaking level, because people are generally known to follow their favourite brands and influencers wherever they go. For the brands and influencers, they have the advantage of being able to impact more with less funds.

In the same way that social media completely changed the way we communicate and interact with one another, MetaVersus will completely transform how companies, brands and users connect. Get ready to come onboard to experience the most interactive, rewarding and immersive virtual worlds that you have ever seen — MetaVersus.

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A virtual economy for gamers, creators, musicians and explorers