v1.05 Release Notes

adChain Audits

MetaX Publication


adChain Audits utilizes a Java Script tracker to gather impression-level data points for digital advertising campaigns and digital publisher sites. In order to enhance the auditing experience, we created a procedure that organizes a campaign into a “set of periods”.

Periods are time frames that range from 7 to 20 days, with the first period being 7 to 13 days, the middle periods being 14 days, and the final period being anywhere from 7 to 20 days.

By organizing a campaign into periods, users distinguish when an “auditor finding” should be generated. Once the auditor finding is implemented by the media buyer, the periods generate trends, demonstrating the change in bot percentage and human percentage.

Bot Trends
Bot Trends allow for auditors to communicate how their recommendations impact the campaign by lowering the bot percentage. After the first period concludes, the auditor generates a set of findings to be implemented by the media buyers. After the media buyer implements the auditor findings in the second period, the period’s bot percentage numbers should theoretically lower. Upon conclusion of the second period, the bot trend values are calculated to demonstrate a decrease in bot percentage.

Upon decreasing the bot percentage in the second period, the auditor redirects the campaign’s budget away from bots and towards human opportunities.

Human Trends
Human Trends specifically showcase how human percentage increases throughout a campaign’s periods. The “Increased Human Opportunities” card displays the increased amount of impressions viewed by humans due to the increase in the campaign’s human percentage.

