Welcoming the Public Release Candidate of the adChain Registry to the Ethereum Mainnet!

MetaX Publication
Published in
3 min readApr 23, 2018


Written by Hunter Gebron, Director of Strategic Initiatives

Today, it is with great pride that we announce the public release candidate of the adChain Registry. This will mark the first time in history that a Token Curated Registry (TCR) will be deployed on the Ethereum Mainnet!

The adChain Registry is the culmination of years of hard work and represents a technological breakthrough for cryptoeconomic protocols. It is a self-sustaining system that uses an intrinsic token — adToken — to align incentives for users to coordinate their efforts towards the shared goal of curating a high-quality list of publisher domains.

The adChain Registry will provide the digital advertising industry with its first genuinely dynamic and open whitelist. But even more than that, the adChain Registry will foster an ecosystem for harnessing sentiment from both Ad Ops professionals and ordinary Internet users about their experience as it relates to specific domains.

The information shared about these domains will be open for everyone to view and categorized into a honeypot of actionable information.

Advertisers will also have access to the contextual data surrounding each domain in the registry and can leverage that data to make sophisticated buy-side decisions in real time.

We would like to thank our technology partner, ConsenSys, for helping us to realize this shared goal. Building blockchain applications is hard, and having the steady guidance and support of ConsenSys has been instrumental in reaching this milestone.

We are also grateful to our community for their continued support! We look forward to taking this significant next step in the adChain journey together.

Pioneering Token Curated Registries

The deployment of the adChain Registry to the Mainnet marks the beginning of a new chapter for Token Curated Registries. We will be stepping out of the realm of theory and into the realm of reality. Users will be able to use Mainnet adToken (ADT) to apply, challenge and vote domains both in and out of the registry. For the first time, we will get to see how a TCR on the Ethereum Mainnet behaves in the wild.

The public candidate release period will last several months. During which time we will carefully monitor the smart contracts and collect user feedback. If there are any critical bugs or other complications found along the way we will make the necessary fixes and re-deploy the smart contracts once we are confident we have addressed any and all concerns.

The adChain smart contracts have been rigorously tested and audited by ConsenSys diligence. However, we advise caution when using real adToken in this public release candidate.

We must reserve the right to re-deploy the adChain Registry smart contracts in the event of any unexpected or unforeseen error. Blockchains, in general, are on the bleeding edge of the technological forefront and TCRs, like adChain, are at the tip of the spear.

