Check node licence(s) allocation prior to NFT distribution

MXS Games
MXS Games
Published in
3 min readMay 17, 2024

The node licence NFT smart contracts are in the final stages of audit and will be ready for distribution soon.
In the meantime, node licence owners can log into to check that the correct licences have been assigned to their wallet.
It is important that you verify this as these are the wallets that will receive the NFTs and the licences are non-transferable at start.

How to check your nodes?

  1. Navigate to

Here you have two options:

Option A (you can connect wallet specified to receive the NFT licence) and Option B ( you can connect any Metamask wallet, even a new one and then search for your wallet address )

Option A:

  1. Connect your wallet that you specified when buying the node licence.
  2. Go to top right menu and navigate to ‘My Accounts’ page
  3. Check ‘Overview’ tab to check total count in ‘My Nodes’
  4. Check ‘My Nodes’ tab to see breakdown of all node numbers

Option B

  1. In case you prefer to connect with other wallet, for security reasons, we have a search function, you can connect any Metamask wallet.
  2. Go to top right menu and navigate to ‘SearchNode’
  3. In SearchBy box, select ‘Purchase Wallet’
  4. In Search field input wallet address assigned to receive your NFT licence(s).
Go to top right menu and navigate to ‘SearchNode’

How to report missing node licences?

If you find that one or more of your licences are missing, please raise a report via the ‘My Reports’ section in top right of menu. One of our administrators will get back to you after investigation.
NOTE: If you have purchased your node(s) privately via a community VC, it may take up to 7 days for the licences to be added after the VC managers have provided the list of wallets to us. In these cases, please check with you VC manager first before you raise a report.

When raining issues, please ensure you add the following information:

1. Where you purchased the licence?

2. When you purchased it?

3. Transaction reference if applicable.

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MXS Games
MXS Games

Web3 Games Studio with a Large Library of games and own Layer 1 Blockchain