MXS Games — Dev Diary: Jan 2024

MXS Games
MXS Games
Published in
3 min readFeb 6, 2024

Monthly development update for Jan 2024

Great start to the new year as development continues at high speed. Token launch target is start of Q2 2024.

January highlights include:

  1. Completed user login system and node sale platform.
  2. Partnership with industry leading platform for audited smart contracts for launch, vesting and staking.
  3. Opened new rounds for seed, private and node licence sale.
  4. Key integrations completed to Google & Unity cloud services.
  5. Collaborations with tier 1 KOLs.

Website Updates

Node Sale Platform

In the first phase, a maximum of 6k node licence will be sold over time. The website has been engineered to allow the community to purchase a licence. Even though the blockchain mainnet is due in 2025, we have already started to make the licences available for the community via a fair launch FCFS process. The highest rarities are available at the cheapest prices. Details here. Rewards will start shortly after TGE.

Login System

MXS Passport (UID — universal ID) has now been rolled out and available to create. This common ID will be used across the entire ecosystem of games and dapps.

Missions Platform

Development for an incentivised testnet have started. Taking inspiration from the success of various Solana projects where points system have been very effective, we are also created a easy to use engagement monitoring system based around farming of MXS GOLD (off chain). The gold will be accumulated from various social, on chain and game related activities.

Game Launcher

The beta version of the games launcher development is complete. We are now testing. The games remain accessible using Google Play and direct links for PC games. We are targeting a march release date.

Token Launch

The current target for XSEED token launch is planned to be early Q2 2024 and all preparation work has started.

Token, Vesting, Staking

Work has started on an integrated and audited solution for token launch related smart contracts — Token, Vesting and Staking. Extra emphasis is being placed on security and we are engaging with the very best in the industry to support that process.


Public rounds are oversubscribed and have already chosen our launch partners which will be announced in due course.


TGE will occur on Avalanche. Our blockchain mainnet will be available approx 1 year after TGE and there will be a bridge to migrate between chains. Node licence holder will start to receive rewards shortly after TGE



January has been dedicated to updating the support frameworks and APIs required to maintain the games in Google Play. This work is almost complete. The mobile development team now moves onto:

  1. Keep updating gameplay and UIUX
  2. Implement shared login system
  3. Integrate selected games into upcoming incentivised test net


Most games have now been upgraded onto unreal engine 5.3 which required some changes to blueprints and assets. Focus has been on Operation Satoshi..

  • Add new characters
  • Improve combat system
  • Enhance character movements
  • Add muzzle flash and improved sounds

We expect to release public playable PvE beta version in Feb.

Screenshot from Operation Satoshi


  • General updates to documentation

MXS Games — We Make, You Own

All important links here: Link Tree

More information about MXS Games

Join and follow our socials below to stay informed and learn more about our exciting journey.


Social Media
Twitter | Telegram Announcements | Telegram| Discord | Medium | YouTube



MXS Games
MXS Games

Web3 Games Studio with a Large Library of games and own Layer 1 Blockchain