MetaXSeed Is Integrating Chainlink Keepers and Chainlink VRF to Enhance Its Metaverse

MXS Games
MXS Games
Published in
4 min readMay 16, 2023

We’re excited to announce that MetaXSeed Game Studio is integrating Chainlink — the industry-leading decentralized oracle network — to help power a variety of mission-critical functions within the MetaXSeed metaverse.

Specifically, MetaXSeed plans to integrate Chainlink Verifiable Random Function (VRF) and Chainlink Keepers on Polygon. Chainlink Keepers will be used to help automate staking contracts, while Chainlink VRF will help randomize the selection of allowlisted users in the upcoming launchpad. Ultimately, the integration of Chainlink trust-minimized services will help make MetaXSeed fairer and more feature-rich.

Below, we outline the core advantages of using these Chainlink services and what we plan to use them for.

Chainlink Keepers

Chainlink Keepers are a hyper-reliable network of Chainlink oracle nodes purpose-built to automate smart contract functions.

In general, smart contract automation solutions are needed because smart contracts are unable to trigger their own functions. There needs to be an external entity to trigger certain functions for smart contracts. In MetaXSeed’s case, Chainlink Keepers help automate the staking function to automatically stake user funds according to predefined triggers. Other smart contract automation solutions are often poorly built or centralized, making the underlying smart contract less secure. Chainlink Keepers change that.

Operated by the same groups of professional DevOps teams that help secure tens of billions in smart contract value through Chainlink Price Feeds, Chainlink Keepers are the most reliable smart contract automation service. In practice, the future Chainlink Keepers integration will help automatically stake user funds in staking contracts.

Some of the unique aspects of Chainlink Keepers that stood out to us include:

  • Decentralized Execution — Chainlink Keepers provide reliable, trust-minimized automation with no single point of failure, mitigating risks around manual processes and centralized servers.
  • Increased Efficiency — Projects that use Chainlink Keepers are able to reduce time spent on DevOps, minimize operational overhead, and streamline development workflows.
  • Enhanced Security — Chainlink Keepers sign on-chain transactions themselves, enabling automated smart contract execution without exposing private keys.
  • Reduced Costs — Chainlink Keepers perform efficient off-chain computation for smart contracts, allowing developers to build feature-rich dApps at lower costs.

Chainlink VRF

MetaXSeed’s upcoming launchpad is being built as an easy-to-use entry point for gaming enthusiasts unfamiliar to blockchains.

To that end, we wanted to provide a verifiably fair way to build allowlists for users hoping to participate in certain offerings. While launchpads often favor connected individuals or those with more funds, MetaXSeed is dedicated to building an equitable system using Chainlink VRF — a provably fair random number generator (RNG) that can be used to help fairly determine users chosen for any allowlist.

Chainlink VRF is needed because on-chain RNG solutions like block hashes introduce vulnerabilities where miners can choose to publish a block only when this would generate more favorable results for themselves. On the other hand, off-chain RNG solutions are opaque, requiring users to trust that the centralized data provider won’t manipulate the results to their benefit.

In contrast to these subpar solutions, Chainlink VRF works by combining block data that is still unknown when the request is made with the oracle node’s pre-committed private key to generate both a random number and a cryptographic proof. The MetaXSeed allowlist smart contract will only accept the random number input if it has a valid cryptographic proof, and the cryptographic proof can only be generated if the VRF process is tamper-proof. This helps provide users with automated and publicly verifiable proof directly on-chain that each allowlist smart contract that uses Chainlink VRF for randomness is provably fair and cannot be tampered with or predicted by the oracle, outside entities, or the MetaXSeed team.


Using Chainlink trust-minimized services will help speed up the development of the MetaXSeed platform. After these two Chainlink integrations, we are considering expanding to integrate Chainlink Price Feeds — more details to follow.

“Secure smart contract automation and on-chain randomness are not easy problems to solve. Fortunately, the MetaXSeed team is overcoming both of these issues by using Chainlink Keepers and Chainlink VRF to bring an enhanced user experience to the growing MetaXSeed community.” — Shipon, CEO of MetaXSeed.

About Chainlink

Chainlink is the industry standard for building, accessing, and selling oracle services needed to power hybrid smart contracts on any blockchain. Chainlink oracle networks provide smart contracts with a way to reliably connect to any external API and leverage secure off-chain computations for enabling feature-rich applications. Chainlink currently secures tens of billions of dollars across DeFi, insurance, gaming, and other major industries, and offers global enterprises and leading data providers a universal gateway to all blockchains.

Learn more about Chainlink by visiting or reading the developer documentation at To discuss an integration, reach out to an expert.


More information here: Link Tree

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MXS Games
MXS Games

Web3 Games Studio with a Large Library of games and own Layer 1 Blockchain