MXS Games — Dev Diary: Apr 2024

MXS Games
MXS Games
Published in
3 min readMay 11, 2024

Development update for Apr 2024

Highlights include:

  1. Audit of token deployment contract.
  2. Development of vesting and staking solution.
  3. Mobile game framework for login and rewards
  4. Operation Satoshi multiplayer map design.
  5. Launch preparation ongoing.
  6. Launcher development.

MXS Platform

MXS Gold rewards system is being designed for optimal engagement and will be rolled out in multiple phases. There will be many categories of rewards based on:

  1. Addition of faucet for XSeedChain test net.
  2. Daily Mission added for faucet claim.
  3. Game based missions added.
  4. Bug reporting system v1.
  5. Update of node licence purchase system.
  6. Node licence NFT smart contract development.
  7. Node licence reward system design.
  8. Game launcher development.
MXS Games Launcher
XSEED Faucet now in operation
New missions being added regularly

Android Mobile Games

Continuous improvement and addition of new features into games..

  1. Login system bug fixes.
  2. Reward system bug fixes.
  3. Redesign UI for generic screen.
Generic login screen for all mobile games
Users will be able to claim daily login rewards

Operation Satoshi

On the PC side, all of our unreal engine developers have now switched attention to Operation Satoshi to get that ready for Alpha launch. One of the key technical aspects being developed is the game delivery and update system which will benefit all future games.

  • MXS plugin for unreal engine for game related features
  • Game version controller
  • Level optimization using nanites and lumen
  • Multiplayer support framework (not for alpha)
  • Design new map for multiplayer (not for alpha)
New level design using nanites for optimisation


  • General updates to documentation


All important links here: Link Tree

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MXS Games
MXS Games

Web3 Games Studio with a Large Library of games and own Layer 1 Blockchain