Benefits of one page website development using Meteor framework

Artem Fedin
Meteor Hammer
Published in
5 min readApr 3, 2015

There are web frameworks to choose from for one page website development. We are going to observe the benefits of one page websites while talking about the Meteor framework.

When people mention single page website they usually mean a website or web application that fits on one web page and has the goal to provide a more fluid user experience akin to a desktop application. One page applications are developed using the necessary code: HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Where did Meteor come from?

The year 2011 is claimed as the year of Meteor’s birth. Well, in the beginning it had another name- Skybreak. In January 2012 changed a name to what we have now. In June 2012, Geoff Smith, CEO of Meteor Developer Group, achieved $11.2 million in funding. Because of this, Rod Johnson left SpringSource VMWare and dedicated all his time to work on Meteor.

“Meteor is one of the most exciting developer/platform plays I’ve seen in my career.” Rod Johnson, creator of Spring

What is Meteor and what features will have one page website developed using it?

Meteor (Meteor JS) is an open source platform with an ultra-simple environment created to build web and mobile apps using JavaScript. This framework is written on top of Node.js. Meteor produces cross-platform code if Cordova is used (so it run in iOS, Android and web).

There are all of the features of modern one page websites in a products developed using Meteor

The Speed Meteor framework can use 10 lines for a command that would require 1000 lines when using another framework. So speed is a direct benefit for developers and clients. The development of a one page website or web app doesn’t take a lot of time. Prototyping can be done in a couple of days and the whole single page site in a couple of weeks! This way, people get their one page websites developed much faster using Meteor.

SEO friendly Meteor is compatible with Phantom JS which leads to an opportunity of SEO friendly websites and web apps development.

I want to focus on building applications and not on boiler plate or building technology. The Meteor development experience is very liberating to me. Stephen Cannon, Signwaive

Mobile and tablet responsive One page websites and web applications developed with Meteor run great on mobile and tablet devices, as well as on the web.

Live updating Data on the screen updated the moment when it changes, without stopping. Great responsive level When a user makes changes — data on the screen then changes instantly. There is no laggy feeling that is often a result of the data’s trip to the server and back.

One language There are isomorphic APIs. This means that the same code is written in the same language and can run on both client and server sides. So coding with Meteor framework is a good path for those developers who want to become full-stack ninjas.

Deployment In the case of web app development there is only one command that is required to push your app to deployment and update all connected browsers and devices.

“This is great! Definitely something the industry needs right now.” Dustin Moskovitz, co-founder of Facebook and Asana

Security One framework consists of all the best practices and secure code runs in a trusted environment. You’ll be confident in the security of a one page website developed with Meteor.

Flexibility Recommended items are easily used in their original form. Preferred components could be swiped when only custom items are required (just like Angular,, Firebase)

Open Source Everyone can develop single page websites or web apps through Meteor framework the way they want. This open source framework has a core team also, so there is a collective that maintains the whole project and is responsible for new releases, QA, and keeping API stable.

“I have spent 13 years as a web coder, earning a living by writing web apps, mostly with PHP and MySQL… I am turning myself into a Meteor developer and I am not looking back!” Adam Lea

Interoperable Anything can be connected to Meteor, from back end enterprise systems to IoT sensors brain-slicing robots. Only the implementation of a simple protocol supported by WebSockets or AJAX DDP is required.

Check out this article which answers the question, “When one page website development is the best solution?”

Facts about Meteor framework

Meteor has achieved the 3rdBronze place at GitHub Web app frameworks, at the rate of 23,000+ stars (March 2015). It is behind Rails which got to the 2ndplace with 25,000+ stars. The gold winner with 36,000+ stars is Angular.

As of March 2015 there are 22,000+ questions containing “Meteor” at Stack Overflow. On the 6th of November 2014, 4200+ developers from all over the world gathered to celebrate Meteor Day.

“Meteor is what we should have built in 1994 at Netscape.” Marc Andreessen, co-founder of Netscape

Regarding everything mentioned above Meteor can be claimed as one of the best frameworks for one page website development that we have today. I think that fast and clean websites are going to own the world in a year or two.

Originally published at 111 Minutes Blog



Artem Fedin
Meteor Hammer

Freelancer, Product Manager at Periodix, Coffee Lover