New “Meteor Package of the Week” Series!

Dylan M Sanders
Meteor Hammer
2 min readApr 21, 2015


I’ve been working my way through the usual Meteor tutorials (Discover Meteor, EventedMind, etc) which are all fantastic resources to get up and running with Meteor, but I find that I am still missing something when I finish a chapter or screencast. I end up with an awesome app and I know a lot more than I did an hour before the tutorial, but there are a lot of things that I still don’t fully understand. Now, this is partly my fault due to my short attention span and chronic laziness, however, I’ve heard some great advice that I’ve finally decided to follow:

If you want to really understand something, start blogging about it

That was (and still is) my goal with this blog, discussing various aspects of Meteor to try to gain a deeper understanding of the framework. I plan to continue blogging about different parts of Meteor as a whole, but the number one thing that I am confused about, is the idea of packages (what?)

So, every week, I’ll select one package that I either discovered and used for the first time, or one that has gained popularity on Atmosphere, and I’ll review it as well as demonstrate its use in a Meteor app. I haven’t done very much planning or research but I think the general scoring will go something like this:

Purpose (what does the package accomplish)

Helpfulness (time-saving, increased readability, etc)

Ease of use (easy to implement/utilize)

Documentation (tutorials, support)

It would be nice to, every so often, compare a small group with the same purpose and rank them according to the above. For now, I will stick to one a week and probably the basics for the first couple of weeks while I learn more and actually get to know what the heck I’m doing!

I am not even close to an expert on anything in life, especially Meteor packages, so everything I say in my reviews will be completely my (novice) opinion and I would be more than happy to welcome any corrections/opinions/rants about how I was wrong and how much I suck, in the comments on each post.

I’m really excited about this new series and I hope there are at least a couple people I could help with it so be on the look out for posts starting sometime this week! For a more definite time schedule you can follow me on Twitter. Also, if you have any recommendations for packages I should review, make sure to let me know in the comments!

Originally posted on my blog

