Meter and Oasis Partner to Bring MTR to the Privacy-Focused Oasis Network

Mike Chan
Published in
3 min readNov 4, 2020

The companies will launch MTR on the Oasis Network to provide a fully-decentralized, stable medium of exchange for developers building privacy-focused DeFi applications.

We are excited to announce that we’ve partnered with the Oasis Foundation to bring our fully-decentralized metastable coin MTR to the Oasis Network!

The Oasis Network is a Layer 1, Proof of Stake, decentralized blockchain network designed to support end-to-end confidentiality and data ownership. The ability to connect data and money is critical to enable Oasis Network’s vision for a “Responsible Data Economy”.

Deploying MTR on the Oasis Network will allow developers to integrate a fully-decentralized, stable, and now private token into their DeFi apps.

“Critical to mass adoption of DeFi is the ability to trade stable digital assets coupled with privacy technology. Adding permissionless and low-volatility currency without collateral to privacy, scalability, composability, and identity encourages the involvement of institutions in DeFi, significantly expanding its current scope.”

-Luca Cosentino, Head of DeFi Products at Oasis

“We are really excited to work with the Oasis Foundation. Their privacy technology is very innovative, and we believe that MTR on the Oasis Network will be a very important component of the privacy-focused DeFi ecosystem. And this will help grow and improve the overall DeFi space.”

-Xiaohan Zhu, Co-Founder and CEO of Meter

We will also explore bringing our governance token, MTRG, to the Oasis Network in the future.

The Oasis Network will be the fifth public blockchain to which we’ll build a bridge. We’ve already launched eMTR and eMTRG on Ethereum and recently partnered with Elrond, Matic, and Tixl for similar initiatives.

About Oasis Foundation

The Oasis Foundation ( is an organization supporting the development and ecosystem surrounding the Oasis Network. The Oasis Network is the first privacy-enabled blockchain platform for open finance and a responsible data economy. Designed to give users back control and ownership of their data and financial sovereignty, the Foundation’s mission is to enable projects, developers and community members who seek to realize this vision. To learn more about the Oasis Network go to or follow the Foundation on Twitter or Telegram.

About Meter

Meter is DeFi infrastructure that is scalable, secure, and stable.

The Meter system uses Proof of Work to create the fully-decentralized, low-volatility coin MTR, and Proof of Stake with the MTRG governance coin to validate transactions.

This hybrid consensus mechanism makes Meter fast — the system can process thousands of transactions per second, reaching finality almost instantly — and super secure.

DeFi app developers can also use our highly-decentralized, HotStuff-consensus PoS chain as an EVM-compatible sidechain to increase the speed and scalability of decentralized exchanges, derivative trading platforms, yield farming programs, and other DeFi apps.

To stay updated on all things Meter, follow us on Twitter, Telegram, Discord, Facebook, and YouTube.

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Originally published at on November 4, 2020.



Mike Chan

Dad and husband! Growing @zkpanther, advising @meter_io and @ututrust. #crypto, #startup, ex-marketer @capitals, expert power napper