Meter DAPP Referral Program

Surajsinh Gaikwad
Published in
3 min readMay 22, 2023

At Meter Foundation, our primary focus has always been on fostering network growth and providing critical support for the development of new dApps and a better experience for our users and developers.

While we are continuously striving behind the scenes to onboard more dApps and making good progress in this effort, we want to take this opportunity to leverage the untapped potential of our Meter Community.

Current dapp Onboarding Process

The current dapp onboarding process on Meter Network comprises of;

  1. Business development outreach (Meter or dApp reaching out)
  2. Project evaluation (impact on network adoption)
  3. Grant agreement and disbursal as per the Meter Developer Grant Program (Upfront Grant, Milestone based grant and user incentives)

Referral Program

The Meter DAPP Referral Program aims to incentivize the community to participate in onboarding DAPPs on to the Meter Network.

Any DAPP referred by the Community members or developers will be screened for eligibility for ‘Meter Developer Grant Program’. Community member will receive referral incentives if DAPP is deemed eligible for the grant.

Incentives for DAPP referrals by the Meter Community will be;

Minimum of:

750 USD or 5% of DAPP Upfront and Milestone Based Grant

The overall incentive is capped to 3,000 USD (or 60,000 USD project grant).

The referral grant will be released along with the release of grant to the DAPP (upfront or milestone based)

All payments will be in MTRG based on exchange date on the date of distribution.

Eligible DAPPs

The current focus of the program is limited to categories mentioned in the ‘Meter Developer Grant Program’ here — Key Categories.

Key Milestones

The key milestones to receive the incentive are;

  1. Introduce the DAPP to Meter Foundation (setup Telegram or Discord Chat)
  2. Meter Foundation evaluates the Grant prospects of the DAPP to reach to an agreement on the quantum of grant
  3. The DAPP deploys on Meter Network
  4. Meter Foundation releases the grant which is either Upfront Grant or Milestone Based Grant or Both
  5. Meter Foundation releases referral grant to the community member


Meter is a layer 1 blockchain with Freedom and Fairness as the first principle. It is highly decentralized, censorship resistant yet blazing fast and MEV resistant. Its native metastable gas token completes Satoshi’s vision of a sound money independent of the fiat system.

Meter Ecosystem

Explorer: Meter Scan | Bridge: Meter Passport | DEFI: Voltswap , Jioswap, Chee Finance, Sumer Money, Minimax Finance, GemPad, Optical Finance, iZUMi Finance | P2E: Business Builders, TreasureBlox, CryptoBlades, Zomland, DragonMaster, CryptoPolis | NFT Collections: MTRG SQUAD, Meter Punks, Meter Mallows, NFTBattles, Universal NFT | NFT Marketplace: NFTing, Voltswap, TofuNFT, Meter Town | Domains: MTRG Domains, WEB3 Names | Miscellaneous:, Meter Miner, Daily Coin Crypto, LlamaPay | Infrastructure/ Tooling: Meter Multisig, Defillama, POKT, Sourcify, C14 (Fiat on-ramp) | Oracles: Witnet, Band Protocol, Pyth

Meter official website and community

Website, Twitter, Telegram, LinkedIn, Reddit, Discord, Media Contact



Published in

Meter is a layer 1 blockchain with Freedom and Fairness as the first principle. It is highly decentralized, censorship resistant yet blazing fast and MEV resistant. Its native metastable gas token completes Satoshi’s vision of a sound money independent of the fiat system.

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