Meter Developer Grant Program

Published in
4 min readDec 26, 2021

Application Form Link —

The Meter ecosystem is a high-performance infrastructure that scales and connects the financial internet. With its current high-performance infrastructure battle-tested — A performant Layer 1 and the interoperability solution of Meter Passport, the ecosystem is now poised for growth.

We hereby invite all developers, innovators, and builders to participate in the Meter Ecosystem’s $10 million Developer Grant Program.


With the overarching goal of growth and adoption of the financial internet, the Development Grant Program intends to encourage innovative builders and developers to collectively build the Meter ecosystem across the pillars of Infrastructure and Tooling, Decentralized Applications, Research, and Education.


The program is designed to allocate the $10 million grant in several phases.

For phase 1, The key focus of the grants will be on the areas of Decentralized Applications and Infrastructure and Tooling.

The Decentralized Applications are projects that support the development of the ecosystem through a wide range of use cases such as DeFi, NFT, DAOs, Launchpads, identity, games, insurance, and more. We aim to boost the Meter ecosystem by providing useful services and utility on the web.

The infrastructure and tooling projects are intended to support tools and infrastructure development that other developers need. These projects can fill existing gaps to increase the portfolio of tools and maximize user benefits. Some examples include wallets, browsers, and API services.

The allocation of grants across projects will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

Phase 1 of the Developer Grant Program will be milestone-based.


The general guidelines for grant applications are below:

  • The idea should be sufficiently researched or tested to demonstrate the feasibility of deployment.
  • The project application should demonstrate a long-term commitment to the Meter ecosystem after completion of the grant and outline benefits to the Meter ecosystem in a clear and concise way.
  • Proven experience or track record of the team for delivery is preferred but not a necessary condition.
  • The application should have technical and economic details relevant to the provision of the grant.
  • The project code should be open-sourced after deployment.
  • Autonomy of deployment is preferable.

Application Process:

  • Fill Out the Application Form

Please share all the necessary information that will assist us in decision making keeping in mind the application guidelines.

  • Review and Feedback

After reviewing your application, we will connect with you to discuss your project and answer any questions you might have.

  • Decision

We will update you on the approval or rejection of your application.

  • Onboarding

We will welcome you to the program and review the legal and funding aspects and finalize milestone tracking.

  • Follow-up

We will follow up with your team to track progress as per milestones and provide support as needed.

You can find the application for the Grant Program here. Our team will be reviewing submissions on an ongoing basis.

The milestone framework laid out for Phase 1 is as below:

Milestone 1: Deploy your app on the Testnet

  • Demonstrate Code Completeness
  • Document and implement a Test Program (Unit Tests, Integration Tests, User Acceptance Tests)

Milestone 2: Demo the app and AMA for the Meter community

Milestone 3: Gather user feedback from the Meter community

Milestone 4: Provide detailed documentation and/or an in-depth blog post

Milestone 5: Deploy your app on the Meter mainnet

Milestone 6: Marketing to drive adoption and user growth

Grants Program Support

  • Funding

All grants will be paid in Meter Governance Token (MTRG)

  • Technical Guidance for Project Development

Guidance through technical hurdles and strategic decisions

  • Launchpad

Offering assistance for project IDOs

  • Marketing & Promotional Support

Marketing support across Meter social media channels including but not limited to Twitter, Telegram, Medium and Discord


  1. What is the extent of the Grant Provided? Is there a limit per application?

No, there is no specified limit per application or cap per project introduced. All applications will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis

2. How is the grant distributed?

All Grants are payable in MTRG (Meter Governance) Tokens. Based on discussion between the Meter Team and Project team, the payment can be a one-time payment (for deployed projects) or tied with the completion of each individual milestone.

3. Who comprises the Grant Committee?

The panel will comprise a Meter Team and 3-members from the Meter community. For the one-time payment, the panel will review the work at the end to ensure the agreed-upon work has been completed. For the milestone-based payments, the panel will review the progress towards that milestone and upon approval from the panel, Meter will provide the agreed-upon payment for that milestone.

4. What information will be disclosed by Meter post the approval of Grant?

After being accepted into the Developer Grant Program, we will want to keep our community informed as to the progress of development. With that in mind, expect certain details of the project to be public — such as the name of your app, the website, the amount of funding it is receiving from Meter, etc.

Please note that for tax and legal purposes, we will need the KYC of the team for whom a grant is approved. This will be done by privately providing the Meter team with an image of your driver’s license or passport.


Meter is a DeFi infrastructure with a built-in, crypto-native, metastable currency, $MTR. It uses HotStuff-based PoS consensus with $MTRG, the Meter governance token, to manage the blockchain ledger. Meter functions as a highly decentralized, high-performance side chain for Ethereum and other public chains.

Meter Ecosystem

MeterScan | VoltSwap | VoltSwap Lite Paper | Meter Passport | | 0xTracker | TreasureBlox |BusinessBuilders | Chee.Finance | MeterPunks | Uncle BOB | Universal NFT | Meter.Town | Web3names |DailyCoinCrypto | Meter Domains | Jioswap

Meter official website and community

Website, Twitter, Telegram, LinkedIn, Reddit, Discord, Media Contact

