About to start running? Here are my top 5 tips.

Jon Brombley
METER Magazine
Published in
2 min readJan 2, 2016

If ‘start running’ was on your list of New Years resolutions, then here are some things I’ve learned that might help get you going.

#1 Don’t run before you can walk

Feeling like time has slowed down to a crawl and you’re about to die is pretty standard to start with*. The best way is to begin with a mix of running and walking. I highly recommend the NHS Couch to 5k plan to get you going.

(*not medically sanctioned advice)

#2 You probably don’t need any new kit. (Yet.)

Right now, you probably only need a pair of trainers and some clothes you’re comfortable exercising in. The time for spending hours poring over marginal-gains-in-exchange-for-$$ will come.

#3 Find your motivation

Different people are motivated by all sorts of different things. It can be as simple as a banging playlist. It might be setting a goal (for the achiever types), or finding friends to share running with (for the social types). Work out what gets you going and use it!

#4 Let your body adapt

It’s when you’re resting after a run that your body repairs itself and gets stronger. You need those days off. It’s also worth remembering your lungs adapt before your muscles do — so you might feel fine, but pushing yourself to squeeze in an extra session can put extra strain on the body that leads to injury.

#5 Consistency is king

It’s not glamorous, but it’s true. You’re way better doing twice a week for 6 weeks than every day for a week. No matter what your Instagram feed looks like. Form good habits, and you’ll still be running come 2017.

