Tracksmith in the Twilight

Documenting the 2016 Battle Road Twilight Series

Nick Bruskewitz
METER Magazine
3 min readMay 20, 2016


Last Saturday, our own Eric Ashe and a few of his very fast New England running compatriots decided they were going to attempt to break 14:00 in the 5000m.

It wasn’t to be: the wind picked up with a demoralizing force, and Eric just didn’t have the legs to take on mother nature as well as his competitors. But don’t think the conditions stopped the atmosphere being vibrant and fast — runners turned up ready to put on a show, and spectators came ready to be awed.

The 5000m, 1500m and 800m all had rabbits taking the pace, and across the spectrum, athletes gritted their teeth, fought through the wind, and posted some impressive times despite the elements.

Eric Ashe post race

There is something about a twilight meet that pulls the extra effort out of people. Maybe it’s the time of day? The light is perfect, on most evenings a stillness overtakes the track, and runner’s engines have been properly warmed over the course of the day. For some reason, we just want to go fast when we’re racing the sunset.

A blistering women’s 800m and men’s 1500m

Eric and others left a lot of fast out on the track and undoubtedly there will be another opportunity to dip under 14, and my guess is it will be under twilight.

Find out more about the Battle Road Twilight Series.

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