Make your life meaningful

Methlum’s vision and values

2 min readJan 28, 2014


We live in an Internet world where finding facts is blazing fast.
- "Mickey Mouse's birth date?"
-"Well, just ask Google and you'll get the answer!"

But, have you ever looked for advice on the Internet?
Not just answers.
Real personalised advice as only friends, relatives or trusted experts can provide?
-"I need a new car. I have 2 kids. I live in a big city. I have a 10k€ budget. What model? At what Price? Where to buy it?"

We looked for such advice.
We do it almost everyday.
Unfortunately, it's painful, it’s time consuming, it can be expensive and, worse, you never know if you take the right decision.

How to get it otherwise?

We believe knowledge is spread in each of us.
We believe knowledge is worth sharing because the more we share, the more we help, the better we feel, live and grow.

Thus, we had this idea :
"What about gathering people ready to share their knowledge and provide advice to each others"

Introducing “Methlum”

We are building this particular community of people ready to share their knowledge through advice.

By joining Methlum you will :
*Help people through life experience, expertise and advice.
*Exchange and learn a lot from other people from all around the world.
*Be part of a “like minded” enthusiast community.
*Be rewarded for your help: the more you will help, the more you will get.

By joining Methlum, you will access to a very unique, innovative, multi topics, highly efficient platform to share your passion and knowledge. See why Methlum is different.

If this resonates with you, we would be more than happy to welcome you to join the club.

Last but not least

Be sure we are enthusiasts people with strong core values. As such, we will strongly respect personal privacy and we will never sell personal data as other social networks can do.

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