Now, Near & Next — Podcast

Method Perspectives
2 min readNov 7, 2019

Episode #1— The 4th Agricultural Revolution

by Method — a strategic design consultancy

Sometimes it’s hard to read a blog on the go, so we created Now, Near and Next a blog for your ears (aka a podcast). We are very excited to announce that it’s launching today!

One of the great things about working at Method is that we get to speak to fascinating people on a daily basis: change-makers working at the forefront of innovation across multiple sectors. We thought you might like to hear some of the conversations; that’s how this podcast was born.

Change has never happened this fast before, and it will never be this slow again. Now, Near and Next is dedicated to exploring the social, technological, environmental and economic forces driving the bewildering pace of change. In each episode, we talk with industry experts to find out how they got to ‘Now’ in their diverse fields of expertise and explore the ‘Near and Next’ through the lens of design, innovation, entrepreneurship, technology, sustainability and wherever the winds of conversation take us.

The podcast is hosted by Matt Millington, Senior Director of Strategic Growth at Method. Released weekly for the rest of the year on all platforms.

In this first episode, we explore what’s Now, Near & Next for Agriculture and food production with Sam-Watson Jones, founder of Small Robot Co: an agri-tech startup making small robots, not big tractors. We also talk to Ali Morrow a principle at Astanor ventures: an impact investor focussing on disruptive technologies to bring about a sustainable food future.

Get it all in your ear, right here:

Let us know what you think by leaving a review and don’t forget to subscribe to listen in to upcoming episodes on topics such as Earth Science AI, Education, Designing with AI and IoT.

We appreciate any feedback and hope you enjoy!

The Method team (a GlobalLogic company)



Method Perspectives

Method is a global strategic design and digital product development consultancy.