The future of analogue workspace (Infographic)

Beyond post-its, flip-charts and coffee sipping.

Ola Möller
MethodKit Stories
Published in
2 min readDec 13, 2016


An article by Ola Möller (Founder of MethodKit) & Jordan Lane (Architect, co-author of MethodKit for Cities).

Despite the rapid evolution of digital workspaces and online collaborative tools, most of us feel the need to meet people we work with on a daily basis. What makes the analogue workspace so important — why, sometimes do you ‘just have to be there’? This article & infographic explores the analogue workspace through common analogue tools, offering insights into their strengths and weaknesses and when to use each one.

Most meetings, workshops and brainstorming sessions start with blank canvases — An empty whiteboard. A pile of post-it notes. Fresh notebooks. Finding a balance between the opportunities of the carte blanche and the structure of a step-by-step guide is critical.

Below is a visual summary of the analogue workspace — enjoy!

Remember, just because the digital can be epic, it does not mean you have to abandon the analogue for the flashing lights. Sharpen your digital tools, meet people better and ensure you have the tools you need…when you need them.

Further reading

An article by Ola Möller (Founder of MethodKit) & Jordan Lane (Architect MSA & co-author of MethodKit for Cities).

