Reset your thoughts on innovation.

Kevin Ramirez
Innovate Everything
3 min readJul 3, 2016


What do we mean when we talk about innovation.

  1. Innovation means adding value to something.
  2. That something could be an idea, a product, or a service, or it can even be a way to streamline your product.

Well that sounds simple,
but if all were doing is adding value, why is innovation so complicated?

Because everyone looks at innovation from one perspective, a future view.

True innovators need to be looking at innovation from 3 different perspectives. When we move our view to each of the different perspectives can we ask the proper questions. Let’s have a look.

The Create Method

  1. What do we think needs to belong in the world to solve a problem.
  2. Answers to this innovation dilemma include: the radio.
  3. The create method is filled with firsts. An example would be the radio. The radio marked the first time humans could communicate over long distances.

The Interact Method

  1. What product do we currently use that we need to interact with in a better way.
  2. Answers to this innovation dilemma include: The remote control (TV on-set controls) and the kindle (books).

The Streamline Method:

  1. What product / service do we use that we need to streamline in a better way.
  2. Answers to this innovation dilemma include: Accounting departments.
  3. Who said accounting’s boring, it’s one of the best things ever invented. But it wasn’t until GM tried to keep track of all its dealerships that the modern accounting system was born.

Will innovation always be so simple

In a word, Yes.

But it seems hard.

Well, we benchmark innovation against human wants and other competitors. And they are forever changing.

Let’s look at the product category, transportation, and follow it over a period of time.

Innovation Timeline for Transportation

Walking (Starting Point)
This is where we start, our standard. People walked for thousands of years until one person realized their had to be a faster way.

Breaking the Horse (Create)
Whether it was for battle, hunting, or trading. People needed to move faster. It was now that horseback riding became the new standard for speedy transportation.

The Saddle (Interact)
People invented a way to make their time on the horse more comfortable and safe.

The Saddlebag (Create)
As horse riding became popular, people needed to carry their belongings.

The Cart (Create)
Next, we wanted a way to carry even more things with us. With the cart, people could now go to the market and load up on a week’s worth of supplies.

The Wagon (Create)
The wagon let us take our belongings and families with us. Think about the Oregon Trail. The wagon made it much easier to travel to a different state or territory.

The Stagecoach (Interact)
It’s only natural for people to want to ride in style. The stagecoach was a major upgrade from the wagon. The stagecoach was comfortable for passengers by using rubber wheels and an enclosed carriage.

Switchable Parts (Streamline)
Mechanical problems were always around in some way, shape, or form. With switchable parts, people could swap out broken parts instead of broken systems.

The Car (Create)
Innovator’s must remind themselves of the original question. In this example, the original question is, “How do I travel faster?” Henry Ford’s answer to this was the car.

More posts coming, but in the meantime you can check out my book “Methods of Innovation” @ Amazon —

