Nick Bostrom On The Single Most Important Challenge That Humanity Has Ever Faced

Peter High
Metis Strategy
Published in
17 min readJun 27, 2016
Nick Bostrom
  • This is interview #9 in Metis Strategy’s Series on Artificial Intelligence (see below)
  • Originally published at on June 27, 2016.


There has been a lot written about the transformational power of artificial intelligence. If you are a regular reader of this column, you have gained the perspectives of eight of the leading thinkers on the topic. Nick Bostrom is perhaps the most influential thinker on safety concerns associated with the march toward artificial intelligence. He calls artificial intelligence “the single most important and daunting challenge that humanity has ever faced.”

Bostrom is an extraordinary polymath, having earned degrees in physics, philosophy, mathematical logic, and neuroscience. In many ways, he personifies the need for thinkers to collaborate at the intersection of disciplines in order to fully understand the opportunities and challenges represented by artificial intelligence. In his bestselling book, Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies, the Oxford University professor and the founding Director of the Future of Humanity Institute highlights that just as the fate of gorillas depends on the actions of humans rather than on gorillas themselves, the fate of humanity may come to depend on superintelligent machines. He points out that we have the advantage in that we are the authors of this fate, unlike our primate relatives. He worries that we are not taking full advantage, however.

His work has profoundly influenced leading thinkers such as Elon Mush, Bill Gates, and Stephen Hawking. In this wide ranging interview, Bostrom explains his concerns with artificial intelligence, providing thoughts on what we might do to avoid them.


Peter High: Nick, you described yourself as a dis-interested student prior to age 15, but you experienced a profound awakening that led you to ambitious intellectual pursuits. At university you studied physics, philosophy, mathematical logic, neuroscience, and I am sure that this is not an exhaustive list. You perhaps are the first among an elite group that I have had the pleasure of speaking with who personify this need to be a polymath, having covered so many different topics. I am sure that does not mean that you do not require collaboration with people in these and many other areas, but I wonder how did it occur to you and why did you elect to pursue so much breadth in addition to depth in your studies? This seems not to be the norm with a lot of thinkers who operate in a similar space.

Nick Bostrom: I was following my instinct as to what I thought was interesting and potentially important from an intellectual point of view, and what I thought were interesting and important insights, ideas, and techniques in a number of different academic fields. I would say that among quite a few of my colleagues here at the research institute, many also have multi-disciplinary degrees in their background having studied more than one subject in university or having done masters in one field and then switching to a different field for their Ph.D.

In 2004 you were among the founders of the principles of ethics in emerging technologies. Not only were you studying the opportunities represented in the various areas that we just described, but you were also thinking about the ethical aspects about developing technology. How did the idea of ethics become something relevant to you?

The ultimate interest is in “what would be the best thing for us to do”. If you care about the long term consequences of your action, which I believe is where most of the consequences are, then it is inevitable that one is confronted with trying to think about the big picture. I had an interest in transformative future technologies and existential risk, and that has been a focus. But, I also had questions of values, and ethics become important in that context. These are among the kinds of considerations that might possibly change our mind. Not just about the specific details about how we should proceed with something, but it can possibly change our mind with the overall direction that we should be headed in. In other words, moral philosophy as well as some of these other areas are possible places to look for crucial considerations that can radically reorient our scheme of priorities.

Was it also in reaction to something you thought was lacking as people who were pursuing emerging technology and innovation? Was it a cause for concern as you delved more deeply into these topics?

Further back in 1997 or 1998, I was involved in co-founding the World’s Trans-humanist Association. The reason for that was that it seemed to me that one of the most important things that could happen was that technology at some point can be used to change not just the world around us, but also change human nature itself. Between basic human capacity, extending lifespan, healthy lifespan, cognitive enhancement, emotional enhancements of different kinds are ways that can have a more profound effect on the human condition and the values of the world than any number of fancy new cars or gadgets. Yet at times this prospect of human enhancement was almost completely neglected by academia. It did not feature when people were thinking about policy or the future. To the extent that it was featured, it was almost from an invariably bio-conservative point of view where the focus was on all the terrible things that would happen if we started to tamper with human nature and different ways of finding excuses for why it was good for people to age and get sick and die as that is part of the natural way. It seemed to me, at that point, that there was a missing voice in that conversation. There were some groups that were having talks about this on the internet and various email lists and so forth but that had not penetrated into academia; so creating these impact organizations helped move this voice into the mainstream.

You said that a thread that runs through your work is a concern for crucial considerations. You have gone on to say “crucial considerations are ideas or arguments that might plausibly reveal the need for not minor adjustments in our practical endeavors but a major change in direction or priority”. Can you give examples of these crucial considerations that you have pursued?

One idea that might be a crucial consideration is this notion of existential risk. An existential risk is one that would involve either the extinction of earth originating intelligent life or some other ways we can permanently and drastically destroy the entire future by locking ourselves into a radically sub-optimal state. The reason why this can possibly be fodder for our crucial conversation is because if you have the goal of doing as much good as possible, and if you have a view of some other aggregated consequential view where the amount of good is served to some of the different parts that are effected by our actions, by crunching some simple numbers it looks like reducing the amount of existential risk even by a millionth of one percentage point would be more important in terms of expected value than the good of any other thing you might do such as curing cancer or eliminating world hunger. Just because there are so many more people that many come into existence in the future than who would not come into the future if we were extinct. From looking at this number, this concept of an existential risk allows us to focus all our impersonal altruistic concern on this subset of all causes we might be involved in. Normally, causes that can possibly be the best way to reduce existential risk can amount to a complete change in our re-prioritization on how we go about trying to discharge our moral obligation.

I have seen your extraordinary TED Talk detailing a lot of what you are describing here. Can you give some examples of the roles that fellow academics, government, enterprises, and institutions can play to ensure that these existential risks can be mitigated at least to some degree as you have described?

Nick Bostrom’s 2015 Ted Talk

Little of the world’s resources or efforts have been allocated specifically because of concerns about existential risks as opposed to other risks. Take the case of a thermonuclear war. Obviously, there has been a lot of effort trying to prevent this from happening. There are a lot of peace activists and statesmen and women who have tried to ease tensions and put a lot of effort into that. But I think the amount of effort that would have gone into that, if we had known for certain that a thermonuclear war would not cause human extinction or permanently destroy our future (and maybe only ruin things for a hundred years) would not be the same. I do not think people would have spent much less effort if it was known it to be a non-existential risk. I think the answer to your question is that existential risk has not driven or been an important shaper of the allocation of resources. The exception to that are a few people within the effective altruism community and some other folks who are trying to be reflective about where they focus their efforts to make a difference to the world. Among that smaller communities this idea has been influential.

Speaking of influence and other areas where you have been influential is your best seller “Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies”. In it you brought forward and elucidated a variety of perspectives of the risks of artificial intelligence to the public’s attention. You have even prompted other leading thinkers like Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and Stephen Hawking, among others, who have gotten into the debate as a result of some of the perspectives that you have provided. You note that the future impact of artificial super intelligence may present “the single most important and daunting challenge that humanity has ever faced”. What is your perspective now, since it is a hot topic intriguing not only academics but so many for-profit enterprises as well?

I think it is amazing of how much further along we have come since the book was published initially, just under two years ago. There has been a big shift in the conversation where questions about the impact of machine intelligence and the need to do some of the research to make sure we know that one day, when we develop machine super intelligence, we know how to do that safely. It is now being taken seriously, and there are people developing technical research agendas and beginning to fund this research and research groups. This is a big shift from where things were a couple of years ago.

The theme of artificial intelligence is also moving along at a healthy click. There have been advances in machine learning, particularly enthusiasm with deep learning. I think in addition to these arguments, there is a sense that artificial intelligence is moving forward and the technology is developing in an exciting way. This also makes it easier for people to pay attention with what is going on and to reflect on where it might head in the future.

Do you feel as though the appropriate precautions are being taken, given some of the concerns that you have articulated?

Nick Bostrom’s 2014 best seller: Superintelligence

Yes, the main thing I was pushing for was to start to do some serious research on the control problem. When a machine is smart, how then would you make a smart machine safe, how would you make sure that it will do what humans intended for it to do? I argued in the book that this is a non-trivial problem, and in fact there are proposals on how to solve this control problem that look plausible at first sight but upon closer examination, turn out not to work. I have been encouraged that now there is much more than there used to be in regards to work and talent going into this, but I think it is still a fraction of what the world would be spending on this if the world were saner. It looks like this is the big thing that will happen within this century and we are sleepwalking into it, not caring much about it compared to almost anything else that academia studies that people are concerned about. Whether it be studying about sports medicine or other kinds of things that get far more resources. It is still orders of magnitudes away of where it should be, but I think it has more than doubled over the last year or two, so the trend line is encouraging.

In 2013, you surveyed artificial intelligence experts asking them what year they think we will achieve human level machine intelligence. The mean estimate among these artificial intelligence scientists was that there was a 50 percent chance that we will develop artificial general intelligence by 2050. Has your opinion changed as a result of the progress that you have noted?

I think that the progress in the field of machine learning has been more rapid over the past couple of years than people expected. This may cause some updates to earlier date. This poll should say as well, and I think the immediate date was 2045 but with a big uncertainty interval. A lot of probability math on it taking much longer and a lot of probability math on it happening much sooner. We are in the process of developing a new survey for artificial intelligence experts that will ask some similar questions. It will be interesting to see if opinions have shifted in intervening years.

I am also curious of the balance between the people who are concerned as artificial intelligence continues to advance. The big concern is that somehow the artificial intelligence will turn on humans as one of the real existential risks. There is also the possibility that bad actors will take advantage of the vulnerabilities of technology to do bad things. I wonder how you think about the balance between those things.

I think both are serious concerns. I agree that in the shorter term, it is the misuse that is the biggest issue just because the machines today do not have a significant capability for autonomous, independent action, long term planning, or anything like that. This problem arises when you reach the general human level intelligence and then the super human intelligence level. It is a unique problem that you do not find with all the other technologies that humans have developed but this is not the only problem.

There is also the question that if we could control artificial intelligence, how can we make sure that humans who do have the ability to get the artificial intelligence do what it intends; that these human will then use it for some beneficial purpose for the common good. This is another thing that I suggested earlier — doing basic research on the control problem — which I think is valuable.

Another thing that I think is valuable is to start a culture among artificial intelligence developers and the public with the idea that if there is ever going to be machine super intelligence, it should be developed for the common good, for some larger aim than a narrow profit for a particular company. If true artificial intelligence happens, every human will face the risk whether they want it or not, and it is only fair that every human should also have a stake in the upside if things go well. I believe there is a lot of support for this among artificial intelligence developers and the recognition that this will not be one more cool gadget but this will be a fundamental transformation of human affairs that should be thought of in a much wider frame.

You brought up the profit components to a lot of the development and I recently had the opportunity to talk to the cofounder of Vicarious, Scott Phoenix, about the rise of new legal frameworks that will allow companies to maximize social benefits in addition to profit. He noted that as a society we have created a system that optimizes shareholder wealth when we rather want one that optimizes social good. What is your own perspective on that balance?

Obviously, there are complicated economic and political arguments for and against particular arrangements. The standard position amongst economists would be that for-profit organizations, provided that it is appropriately overseen and well regulated by governments, would contribute to social wealth by creating private incentive to do things that are of benefit to other people. Companies have incentive to make gadgets that people will want to buy, provided that the externalities, say the pollution going out from the company’s chimneys, is internalized or regulated. Then the benefits will be a great positive to align private incentives with the social good.

We all know that there are cases where alignment does not happen perfectly and then politics enter and a big debate follows on the appropriate ways to remedy that might be. I think that artificial intelligence though, is a potential challenge to this regular framework in that it is such a big thing. The potential externalities are not simply smoke coming out the factory’s chimney but potential human extinction on one end, something that effects everybody on the planet and the future. On the other extreme is an equally large upside where there are solutions to fundamental human problems like cancer, heart disease, and monotonous work. All these and many more things can open up. At that point it becomes a thing where we need to reflect and take into account everybody’s values. One might not be able to assume that traditional regulatory framework that works well for regulating and overseeing companies that have a market cap of a few billion dollars will necessarily work with this world-transforming technology.

Some fresh thinking will be needed in terms of stepping up the governance systems that would be appropriate for managing the transition into the machine intelligence era. But it is still early for that. There is a general sense that some new ideas will have to be here eventually, but there is not yet anything concrete because people haven’t thought this through enough, and I think that it will also be premature today to rush in and call for regulation. At the moment, I think what we need is more basic research that can be used to encourage the beginning of the dialogue which will then, down the road, lead to more constructive ideas.

I know there must be no easy answer to this, but I would like to understand how you and your colleagues work at the future for humanity institute. How do you set a plan and strategy, choose the areas that you focus on, and divide up the work amongst the people who are your colleagues?

You are right, there is no easy answer to that and it is a messy process. It is a combination of a lot of independent initiatives and interests on behalf of individual researchers with some general overall guidance. The reason why they were hired in the first place was because we thought they could possibly contribute to understanding the topics that they work on. A lot of them are passionate about their work. It is not where people come in to be able to collect the paychecks. I think that all of the research staff and even the admin staff that we have are doing this because they think that this is the most important thing that they can be working on. There are a lot of informal conversations. Sometimes we have fixed seminar meetings and so forth where we discuss projects and problems, but a lot of it is still informal. We are still small enough, around twelve to fifteen people, that so far we have gotten by without having too much of a formal process. A lot of it is people trying to figure out together what makes sense, where we spot opportunities to make progress, analyze a particular idea, or to invent something.

Who are some of the people who have been the most influential in your life? I am particularly intrigued because clearly your ideas, and you personally, have become a person of great influence in the various areas that we have described. Who are some of the people across your life that have been particularly influential for you and why?

If I look back earlier to people who were influential to my intellectual awakening back when I was a teenager, at that time people like philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer was a big influence. To some extent, Nietzsche, Bertrand Russell, Rudolph Carnap were people who are not currently influencing what we are working on but were biographically significant at some earlier stage in my personal development. On the more specific things that we are working on now, there are a number of people that have contributed valuable ideas, not all of them are well known but they include people like Robert Jensen, an economist, and others who were among the first to focus in great detail for artificial intelligence issues. Carl Shulman, he is a research associate within the institute now, a smart and thoughtful person. Paul Christiano, who is doing some of the most interesting current work of how to approach this control problem and a whole bunch of others, those were a few names

As you think of the next generation as it applies to your own family, are there insights that have impacted the way in which you think about parenting or the way in which you raise your children in light of the ways you think about professionally?

I have one two year old and it is difficult to reconcile because on one hand, at work I am thinking about some potentially profound transformations that have a substantial probability of taking place within a few decades. But then, when you have a small child and think what his future might involve, it is hard to imagine that he may never need to go to college because the artificial intelligence problem would have been cracked by then, or will he never grow old because aging has been eliminated. These are two different things, your everyday experience and what your intellect tells you based on this reading, reflection, and analysis and they are hard to bring together. I try to keep both of these perspectives alive rather than artificially snuff one of them out and if I was forced to make an important decision than it will probably be influenced by both of these perspectives.

This is in some way where the theoretical becomes real, in terms of the implications for your own future generations then.

It is hard to know how much heed to pay as if it was a gut feeling, or how much heed to pay from an abstract view to make sense. I do not know which is the most reliable guide on these topics is. So, I think giving each of these perspectives some consideration would be the wisest path forward.

Unabridged Audio

Series on Artificial Intelligence

This is the ninth interview in our series on Artificial Intelligence. Past interviews are available below:

Left: Oren Etzioni || Center: Neil Jacobstein || Right: Geoff Hinton
Left: Scott Phoenix || Center: Greg Brockman || Right: Sebastian Thrun
Left: Mike Rhodin || Right: Antoine Blondeau
Click for

Peter High is President of Metis Strategy, a business and IT advisory firm. His latest book, Implementing World Class IT Strategy, has just been released by Wiley Press/Jossey-Bass. He is also the author of World Class IT: Why Businesses Succeed When IT Triumphs. Peter moderates the Forum on World Class IT podcast series. Follow him on Twitter @Metis Strategy



Peter High
Metis Strategy

Peter High is President of Metis Strategy, author of Implementing World Class IT Strategy, and contributor to Forbes.