iOS Guide: How To Sideload Tweaked (Pro) Apps, Without the Jailbreak!

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4 min readApr 13, 2017

As of now things aren’t looking very good as far as the Jailbreak is concerned. In fact there is a pretty good chance that we won’t be getting Jailbreak anytime soon.

For us, and we are sure that for many of you, who love to tweak and theme their iDevices, that means bad news.

But just like everything in life, that too is not only black & white.
Today We’ve got some good news for You! We have found out that there is a way to Sideload your favourite Tweaked / ++ / Pro Apps without the Jailbreak, and in this guide we are going to show You the easiest way to do it!

What exactly are we doing here?

We will be sideloading some useful apps on our iDevice, so Nothing Illegal, (If you don’t want to) that’s for sure!

What is sideloading?

Sideloading is a process of transferring files to a mobile device via the WiFi, USB (That’s the method we are going to be using). Bluetooth or by writing the files to the memory card for later insertion into the device.
The term is usually being used in the Android world, when we are talking about installing the .APK files from other sources than the Play Store.

And we will be doing a similar thing but on the iDevice and with the .ipa files!

What are we going to need in order to do this?

We will need several things;

  • iDevice (iPhone, iPod, iPad),
  • Computer,
  • Lighting Cable,
  • Apple ID,
  • Developer account,
  • Cydia impactor,

iDevice; You don’t need to have a Jailbroken device for that, just make sure your device has at least 30% of battery left before doing this.

Computer; For this Guide we are going to use a Windows 10 based computer.

Lightning Cable; You will be needing this as we are going to “inject” the app into the phone via USB.

Apple ID; You have to have an valid Apple ID as the injector needs the valid ID in order to sign and inject the .ipa file.
If you don’t have one, create it HERE

Developer account; You will need to enroll your Apple ID in to the developer program (You don’t need to buy the 99$ per year plan!!) But you will need to complete the process till that point.
If you didn’t enrol, do it HERE

Press on the Enroll Button
Press on Start Your Enrollment

Cydia impactor; Cydia impactor is made by the legend Saurik itself. Injector is the tool that will be signing the .ipa file and injecting / sideloading it to your iDevice.
You can download Cydia Impactor HERE

Download the file that suits your operating system

We are ready to rumble!

Ok, now that you’ve done all the steps you can start the fun process, that by the way is really easy!

First you need to extract the .zip file of Cydia impactor. When you do that you will get a folder that looks like this

Unzipped Folder

Now double click on the Impactor icon, make sure you are not running it as a developer, as that may cause incompatibility problems.

This is what the Impactor will look like when you will first start it.

Now it’s time to connect your iDevice to your computer via the Lighting cable.

When your iDevice is connected successfully this is what it will look like

And for the last step!
You need to download the .ipa file you want to sideload, and drag it in to the Impactor window and the program will do the rest!

For this demonstration we are injecting the flappy bird game!

Just drag & drop the file onto the Impactor window
First it will ask you to enter your Apple ID and then to enter your password.
Just drag & drop the file onto the Impactor window

That is it, you are done!
Following this steps you have successfully sideloaded an .ipa file (that is no longer on the app store)

Flappy Bird is successfully installed on your iDevice

Now, we do NOT encourage anyone to sideload paid apps, but you have the option if you wan’t to try it out, Google is your friend, just search for Hollr2099 and you will find flappy bird and a lot more to play around with. Have fun!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at
And make sure to follow us on Facebook Instagram and Twitter, so you don’t miss out!




Founder & CEO @Metodix | Visual Art Student | Technology Enthusiast | Blogger