The Hunt For The Perfect Wallpaper: What you need to know!

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5 min readFeb 15, 2018

The search for the perfect wallpaper will be the first article in the set-up series, so you might want to subscribe to this blog, to be sure not to miss out!

Every dream set-up starts with the..?

Yes you’ve guessed it, the perfect wallpaper!

If you are constantly on the look for that perfect wallpaper and you just want to stand out from the crowd and you just hate that awful generic wallpaper that came with the device, than this article is written for you!

In today’s article you will learn some of the basic Tips & Tricks so you’ll find out what kind of wallpaper suits you best, I will also introduce some of my favourite wallpaper apps, discuss some of the best web pages and link you to the Google Plus communities where you can find the right wallpaper for you.
So, let’s get started!

Tips & Tricks

Know what are you looking for!

In order to find what you want, you need to know what you like! I myself like minimal, sport related or the wallpapers with animals, especially as you might already guessed the ones with the wolfs.
The one you see in the tittle picture was found on a page called Wallbase.

The bigger the resolution, the better quality?!

Well, yes and no. In theory more pixels gives you a sharper picture, but in practicality this is not always the case.
For example lets take a phones screen, you own a phone with 1080p resolution, it may be better to find a wallpaper that is the same or a slightly bigger resolution.
Why? Well it will look better and you will see the whole “picture”. If you go for a let’s say 2K wallpaper it just won’t fit on the screen that is 1080p. It might look sharper, but you won’t get the affect you’re going for.
So, same or a slightly bigger resolution is the key to make the wallpaper look good on your device.

Finding the right position for the Wallpaper is just as important.

Make sure that the icons you choose go well with the wallpaper!

If you are using dark icons, it just won’t work with the bright wallpaper and of curse the same goes for the vice versa.
You can look at that from two angles, either you pick the icon pack that matches the wallpaper or you pick the wallpaper that goes well with the icon pack.

We will be talking about picking the right icon pack for your setup in the next blog!

White icons on a black background is a classic! The icons just pop, and the wallpaper is easily viewed!

Where can you find good wallpapers?

Let’s begin by saying, there are a lot (probably too many) wallpaper apps on the PlayStore.
The market is getting over saturated, and it keeps getting harder and harder, to be noticed. The same thing that is happening with the icon packs.
Sure, It’s always nice to see something new, but is it really new?
Or it’s just a variation of something that we’ve already saw?

To be noticed you must bring something new or different to the table.
I had handpicked the best wallpaper apps on the PlayStore!

One of our favourite wallpapers app is WallBoard!
You can buy the app right HERE

WallBoard, wallpaper app made by Anton Tingaev is really worth to take a look at!

The second one that I often use is called Arch Walls, and it’s created by Zheano Labs. App futures some very unique wallpapers that can’t be found anywhere else.
Deferentially one of my favourite apps!!
You can download the app for free right HERE

Some awesome walls, that can’t be found anywhere else! Deferentially one of my all time favourite wallpaper apps!

The last one on the list is a bit of a legend! Backdrops!
Probably the best known wallpaper app in the Play Store. There are hundreds of awesome wallpapers and the app gets updated regularly! What makes this app even more special is the community, where everyone can contribute.
You can download this app for free right HERE

Backdrops, an absolute legend, when it comes to the wallpaper apps that can be found on the Google Play Store.

What about the interwebs?!

Of curse, there are also many good websites that host quality wallpapers.
I tend to visit three of them.


This is actually a rebuild of a famous website called Wallbase, where I’ve found the wallpaper used in the tittle of this article.


This site contains a lot of quality material, not just wallpapers, but also articles, and inspiration for interior design. Wallpapers are divided in categories, most of them are very simple and clean.


Defiantly my favourite place to get the wallpapers from! There are A LOT of free wallpapers, that you can use for whatever you want.
This is not your typical wallpaper website as this one hosts mostly really high quality photos.

Google Plus Community
There are many great ones out there, but the one from Nick Nice is by far the biggest and the greatest. He uploads wallpapers on the daily basis and he has been doing so for more than two years, so you can imagine there are A LOT of wallpapers to be found there.

You can check out, and join the community right HERE!

Google Plus Community by Nick Nice.

Those are the three source that I use in order to get those awesome looking wallpapers for my set-ups!
If you will take the time and check out some of my suggestions, I’m sure you will find the right wallpaper for yourself.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at
And make sure to follow us on Facebook Instagram and Twitter, so you don’t miss out!




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