The MetricsDAO Community: Survey Results on Skills and Preferences

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4 min readJan 27, 2022

Last month, MetricsDAO released a survey to its members to better understand their skills and talents. The main purpose was to help the DAO better shape its programs and overall direction in the near future. In this blog post, we will go through the survey results and the key takeaways from the main sections.

On Crypto/Blockchain Experience

  • Nearly 60% of respondents have intermediate experience in crypto using several protocols.
  • A little over a quarter are just getting started with crypto.

On Data Analysis Experience

  • Around half of the respondents have built dashboards and are experienced with data analysis.
  • Less than 20% have enterprise level experience in data analysis.

Experience Intersection

  • Intuitively, most of those who have intermediate knowledge in data analysis also have intermediate experience in crypto.
  • Most of the advanced data analysts among the respondents are split evenly between having beginner and intermediate experience with crypto. These people would probably benefit a lot from hands-on experience with bounty programs, either as solution builders or reviewers, since they can have a first hand look at the various crypto protocols.
  • As for those who are just starting out with their data analysis journey, most of them as well have beginner to intermediate knowledge about crypto. These people would benefit greatly from the mentorship program as they can be walked through on how to use the various analytics tools and then slowly expose them to building dashboards that answer questions about different crypto protocols.

Learning and Skill Building as the Priority

Reason for joining; most excited about regarding MetricsDAO

  • Most of the respondents are looking forward to MetricsDAO’s education and skill building programs.
  • This supports the above findings that most respondents would indeed benefit from the learning they can get from the mentorship programs and on-chain analytics experience from the bounties.
  • These programs are also a great opportunity for networking and community engagement which are important to the respondents as well.

Feedback and Suggestions

  • Most of the responses on the “feedback and suggestions” portion of the survey revolved around learning, whether it’s about on-chain analytics, the tools used, or the crypto space in general.
  • There were also points on exploring how MetricsDAO can partner and work with other DAOs and the wider crypto ecosystem.
  • Some of these points can be gleaned from a basic text analysis of the responses.
  • Somewhat unsurprisingly, “datum” (data) is the most occurring word. This is a community of data enthusiasts after all. We see words like “learn”, “know”, and “start” perhaps signifying a desire to learn or begin learning.
  • We see the words “love”, “learn”, and “know” in the top verbs, the last two were also present in the general word count, again emphasizing the focus on the desire to learn about on-chain analytics and what MetricsDAO can do for the wider crypto community.

If you’re interested in learning more about MetricsDAO or on-chain analytics in general, follow us on Twitter and/or join our Discord.

About MetricsDAO

MetricsDAO is uniting the best analytical minds in the space to build the future of crypto analytics.

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