The way we act on our responsibilities — Product Management

The Product Owner often becomes a catch-all role and the people filling them out become too busy to further improve. In the one of our solutions we tackled this issue in a purposeful session

Andreea Gheorghiu
2 min readJul 16, 2019


Every day we work on our products in order to succeed. Together with the teams we improve regularly our way of working, and based on data and feedback we continuously improve our products.

This time the Product Owners of one of our solutions took a break from day to day activities and looked at their overall responsibilities to the organization and to themselves.

Sorting responsibilities

The results were clear, some responsibilities need to be delegated back into the team in order to make more time for Discovery, Market research and, of course, stay on top of the Data Driven approach.

The Product Owner becomes so often a catch-all role for the responsibilities of a team so we need to periodically guide these tasks into their proper space before we forget what is actually important. For a deeper dive into these responsibilities, this article by our colleague Alma Balas shines light on the subject.

PS: We did this on solution/PO level rather than on team level, first, in order to further assess the particular responsibilities. The next step is to have a responsibilities discussion inside each team and decide how to handle them in the future.

What are the most frequent responsibilities other POs ‘catch’, that they shouldn’t be handling?

