How To Recruit The Top Talent In 2018

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6 min readFeb 7, 2019

Welcome to the era of digital Darwinism. As the Fourth Revolution grips the world and societies evolve, it becomes crucial to make the organization evolve their business models. The revolution is unstoppable, the race has never been more intense, and no industry can dodge this digital disruption.

To survive, you need to be the best and to reach there, you need the best.

The world has become a huge talent magnet. Everyone wants to hire top talent but only the ones who can identify their needs, frame a perfect job description, assess and up-skill the employees, win the war.

This challenge with the growing age and demanding time, where everyone is preying on the high potential employees, becomes harder to achieve. To get the cream, human resource managers need to put in the special ingredients in the recipe of attracting the best talent of 2018.

Let us guide you through the to-do list of attracting the top talent.

Know your needs

Before you put the pen to paper or instead in this age of automation, before you put the cursor on the blank screen, take a step back and ask yourself “ What am I looking for?”,Which skills and qualities are a must?”

Once you have a clear picture of what you want from the candidate, you can move on to the next step in the line. However, if you fail to do the groundwork, then be prepared to treat yourself to bad hires.

Knowing your requirements makes you express clearly. It helps to explain better about what you are looking for than just randomly beating around the bush wasting time and energy costing the company what it could have spent to invest than what it drained.

Look at the right place


The job market has become an overcrowded business world where each one is competing to get noticed. In the world of digitalisation where the barriers have been broken down with the power of machines, tools, and internet, most of the high potential talent you are looking for won’t be found in the traditional job board. The new workforce is more active online than their offline presence. Hence finding the best fit would need to search for them where they belong (Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter).


The Perfect Job Descriptions


Job descriptions should not be only about accumulating resumes, they should be tools that excite the candidate for the mentioned role. A conventional job description is a bundle of skills stacked together. Whereas, an effective impact description not only talks about the responsibilities but also the results and impacts that make the candidate jump into the role.

People generally try to maintain a very formal format while posting a job description but don’t be afraid to strike a casual tone so that the candidate sees you as friendly and human.

Market your business

Recruitment is not only about companies reviewing, scanning, evaluating candidates but also about potential employees reviewing the company. The talent pool might be getting shallower but the demand for the top talent never seems to stop. Businesses now must prepare themselves to convince the candidates to come work with them. If you offer them the usual that’s available on the menu then you’ll find it difficult to entice them. Now is the time for the special offers because everyone is promising the same thing.

Additionally, your organizational culture should be at the heart of your organization and make sure candidates should know about it. Your beliefs, ideologies, values form the culture which sets you apart. Hence, companies need to keep a close eye on their employees and see whether they are aligning their goals with that of the organization.

Psychometric assessments to evaluate the employee needs will make the task easier and time effective and hence, satisfy the candidates craving and yours’ too. And once you have this culture in place, it will be one great item to flaunt for your brand image.

Assess and Up-skill

Once we have the pool of talent available, conducting assessments before the interviews help to filter the best out of the rest. Assessments such as behavioural, cognitive and skill-based help to understand the prospects much better without spending long hours of resume evaluation. These assessments are time effective and spare you from the hit and trial way to get the best employee.


Now that we have a handful to choose from, interviews are the way forward.

Sometimes companies keep struggling to search for the right fit externally to fill a vacancy when the right approach is to look inside the business. Find employees who could fill the gap with a little bit of skilling. Once you have figured out the ones who could be skilled, don’t waste even a millisecond to get on with the enhancement procedure.

There is a plethora of modern training programs and engagement tools which are for your perusal. Their importance cannot be understated- these strategies have helped reduce employee turnover, improve productivity and helped to balance the talent equation (retention and attraction).

This shows that if you don’t give your employees the required attention, they will find it somewhere else. So, build your employees for better, energized performance by training them for the future. This process might take some time but if you think someone you know will fit in the job, investing in their current abilities will be the best solution.

To know more on Mettl’s view of Talent Acquisition

The talent network and relationship

To be one with talent, it is crucial to immerse oneself in the world of talent. Get to know the top talent and the strategies various competitors follow, keep abreast with what is happening around the world. Be proactive because the more you explore, interact, the bigger your network, the easier it will be to find the best person with the best skills.

The blended approach

The challenges faced by the talent acquisition professionals are unlikely to diminish in the years to come. The technological dynamics will continue to create demand for new skills and new opportunities. Candidates with the right skills will be searching for agile and flexible organizations.

A concoction of the steps below helps to accelerate achievement for your entire workforce.

  • Attracting talent is the top priority- Create systems and routines to maintain a positive learning process, as well as give employees the opportunities they seek and transform their careers.
  • Retain top talent- Invest heavily in the learning and development of your employees, make them feel valuable so that it creates maximum impact with the smallest footprints.
  • Build an efficient learning process- Use your learning programs to the best of your ability when engaging talent.

Once organizations align talent acquisition with the organizational strategies they will be best positioned to win the talent acquisition game.


We are entering what experts call The Fourth Revolution. Our jobs are being handballed to applications and artificial intelligence, forcing organisations to adopt new recruitment strategies, in order to filter the best talent.

Attracting top talent is a crucial element in our talent equation, but what’s more important is to balance the equation. This balance cannot be reached without an equally important element- retention. It is only when organizations work towards this equation, they reach where they aim at.

Make sure you use the best hiring and learning and development tools and once you do, no one can take you away from the best fit you desired to get.

Originally published at on February 7, 2019.

