
5 techs that every SaaS founder must use in their SaaS

Shivanshu Gupta
4 min readMay 24, 2024


Once you have developed your SaaS product and it is ready for the market you need to take care of many things like tracking logs, user metrics, support system, and protection from hackers.

Normally we learn when things happen to us, but in this article, I will share with you some useful software and tips that can help you run and manage your SaaS business more effectively.

Before we start, if you want to take a deep dive into running a successful AI-based SaaS business and want to know all the key strategies and points, I’ve written a book “Cheat Code for Building AI-Driven SaaS”. This book will provide you with extensive guidance and you will find your path for building your AI-based SaaS.

#1 Protect your SaaS from hackers ☠️

The first thing that you need to do once you get into public is to protect your database and backend servers from any kind of attacks. I would recommend using Cloudflare which will protect your SaaS from any kind of malware, DDoS attacks, and other threats on the internet.

#2 A monitoring system for the core features 💻

See you need to understand here the difference between monitoring the performance of the servers where your SaaS is running and the core features.

Here I’m talking about monitoring your core features, for example, if I have a SaaS that sends cold emails what I will be interested in checking every day is the responsible functions to send the emails and whether are they sending the emails as required every day. Also, I would need a monitoring feature where I can see whether the emails are landing in the Inbox only.

See such type of monitoring you need to develop in your backend or admin panel you can use No-Code/Low-Code software like Retool to do this kind of work, it will be easy and you will be able to deploy your admin panel fast.

#3 Help and Support 🆘

If you are an early SaaS there would be a lot of problems and questions from your users and if you don’t resolve them on time this can result in disputes with your SaaS business. Thus you need to have a powerful system in place.

To do this you can first use Hubspot in place which will work as a CRM for your customers, you need to have a round-robin meeting link scheduled with your support. Next, you can use software like Intercom or chat for the chat widget and support.

Also, make sure you have a strong knowledge center where you have provided all the articles/blogs on your SaaS and how to use it feature by feature. This can save you tons of time and effort.

#4 Proper Logging Mechanism 📅

Logging is something that helps you or your development team to find the bugs in your application, especially error logging, I know going through logs no one likes but this is the most important thing that you need to include in any application you make.

You can use software like Axiom which will make logging super easy and simple to do, it’s just a click integration and you can connect to your cloud or platforms like Vercel, and Heroku.

#5 Proper Notification and Alerts 🔔

There might be times when your SaaS will go down and you will face problems, thus you and your customers need to be notified at the right time. Either you can send emails or add some kind of popup on your SaaS application.

You can try using software like Sentry that will detect any kind of errors and notify you about them. It will also provide you with a full trace and details of the errors that are coming.

If you follow these things you will be able to keep your SaaS running healthy and if you face any challenges you will be able to track and resolve them down, keeping your user base happy. Let me know in the comments if you have any questions I would love to answer them for you.

I also wanted to share with you a book that I recently wrote on marketing if you want to take a deep dive into marketing and know how to get long-term paying customers for your SaaS, Marketing Strategies to Grow Your SaaS which will cover all the necessary steps and strategies in depth to help you take your SaaS from scratch and get some real paying users.



Shivanshu Gupta
MEVE The Publication.

I provide SaaS Consultation and help my clients in development for there SaaS. For useful insights on SaaS check my newsletter