
How to protect your SaaS from hackers

Shivanshu Gupta
4 min readFeb 8, 2024


If you are building a SaaS or even running it, you know how important it is to secure your user's privacy and data. There are hackers all around the world seeking an opportunity to get into your systems and break them. Sometimes if your SaaS is grown and has enough potential users and their data is compromised this could result in legal problems for your SaaS and company. To avoid such problems in this article, I’m going to share some tools and practices you should follow to be protected from such cyber attacks.

Before we start if you want to take a deep dive into running a successful AI-based SaaS business and want to know all the key strategies and points then I’ve written a book “Cheat Code for Building AI-Driven SaaS”. This book will provide you an extensive guidance and you will find your path for building your AI-based SaaS.

So first of all what I see is that most of the time while development we make our database public which means it can be accessible over the internet by any IP address, and when going live we don’t bother to change the configurations thinking it would break our things or can be a lot of work to do. This is the moment we make a mistake remember always when going live even in your pre-launched/MVP state make sure your database is kept inside a private subnet and is only accessible to the backend servers where your code is deployed. Also if possible make sure you have a daily backup or at least weekly backups made on your side. Also, make sure you change the password of your database user at least every month, you can use this site to generate strong passwords. Rotation of passwords and usernames regularly keeps security and is a good practice.

One thing also you should be taking care of is with whom you are sharing what credentials, even the .env file that you define on your backend service or frontend how secure they are, I would recommend using some kind of vault service like Hashicorp it will keep your passwords, tokens, connection strings, and other sensitive data secure in a vault.

Also if you like to keep track of what your users are doing and from where the traffic is coming you should be using something like Fingerprint JS this can help you to track the users and traffic that are coming on your website. It helps you to keep track of visitors like Bots, Devices, User Behavior, Mobile, Location, and many other parameters that you can use to secure your website.

Other than this I would also say always to use a 3rd party to handle the Authorization/Authentication services in your SaaS some of the popular ones are,

  2. AuthO
  3. AWS Amplify

This will secure as you won’t be managing the user email and password this will help you to keep secure of your user's credentials.

I would also recommend that you do a code audit of your code from a 3rd eye who has good experience in cybersecurity to avoid any type of data leaks from your software. Also, you can check the Top 10 OWASP Security Rules that your SaaS should have.

Also, one last thing in case if you have developed your SaaS and trying to market it to gain potential valuable customers, then you must try my book “Marketing Strategies to Grow Your SaaS” where I have put all the necessary information to get potential customers for long term,



Shivanshu Gupta
MEVE The Publication.

I provide SaaS Consultation and help my clients in development for there SaaS. For useful insights on SaaS check my newsletter