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Increase the success rate of your SaaS

Shivanshu Gupta
4 min read10 hours ago


If you are running a SaaS application, or newly launched your first MVP in the market and onboarding users to your SaaS, then here are some important changes that you might be worth looking into that can help you to increase the success rate of your SaaS and decrease the churn rate or users not signing up for your plans.

But before we start, if you are considering launching a SaaS application but are confused about where to begin or what might cost you, in that case, you’ll find invaluable insights in my book “Building SaaS the Right Way”. I’ve put my years of experience into a comprehensive guide that covers everything from finding a SaaS idea to developing a fully functional product and making the right market-fit product.

Revisit your user On-boarding journey 🚶

As a SaaS founder, you should sign up for your application as a new user and understand where you can remove unnecessary steps to save time for onboarding the user.

For instance, you can remove the Email Verification process. Once the user lands in your application's dashboard, you can show a warning message on the header asking the user to verify his email, or even at the time of purchasing the plan.

You should also not ask the user for the credit card information upfront, instead, you should ask them to purchase the plan when they are taking their first action like creating a campaign or anything that your SaaS does.

You should implement a product tour for new users 🧭

I bet in a lot of SaaS you must have seen a walkthrough like these,

Screenshot of Walkthrough

This is possible either by using libraries like React Joyride or you can implement it using plugins in Intercom.

These product tours are important to have for new users who are not familiar with the features you are providing so they don’t get lost or overwhelmed and have a nice experience.

There are cases where you have features implemented but users are not able to find them and they exit your SaaS.

If the user can understand your product most likely he will go for a subscription.

Revisit your Pricing Plans 💰

It’s always good to have another look at your plans once your SaaS is launched in the market and people are using it.

It’s not always about increasing your plan but sometimes you can even decrease or provide special discounts on your plans if you are doing good.

This will encourage more users to sign up for your platform, especially ones who were little spectacle about your application at first.

Reach out to users who did not subscribe to a plan 🔈

You might have experienced this in the past with other SaaS where you signed up for a SaaS but did not purchase any plan, then a Sales Rep tries to get in touch with you asking why you did not proceed with a plan or if anything he can help you out.

You need to implement such metrics and logs in your SaaS where you can reach out to these people and help them, maybe they have a doubt or you can provide certain discounts to them for a few months. This will help you to convert more users to your SaaS.

Onboarding Series✉️

You should implement onboarding emails which should be sent to the users at the time when they sign up to your platform.

In many SaaS applications, you’ve seen emails sent to you, and these are not just verification ones sometimes it’s from the CEO or Customer Success Manager thanking you for using the application and guiding you.

You can use software like Userlist or to create a nice user onboarding experience.

Screenshot of the homepage of

This is a nice-to-have feature as it increases the user experience of your SaaS.

There are other strategies as well that can add value to your SaaS like having testimonials on your SaaS websites and having an easy customer support experience for users.

If you start to take care of these things it will help you eventually to grow your SaaS and will attract more inbound and outbound users.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any doubts or you can put them in the comments I would love to help you out.

I have also written a book on marketing if you want to take a deep dive into marketing and know how to get long-term paying customers for your SaaS, Marketing Strategies to Grow Your SaaS which will cover all the necessary steps and strategies in depth to help you take your SaaS from scratch and get some real paying users.



Shivanshu Gupta
MEVE The Publication.

I provide SaaS Consultation and help my clients in development for there SaaS. For useful insights on SaaS check my newsletter