[Fleta Connect] How to Use Fleta Connect

Published in
4 min readJul 8, 2021

* Fleta Connect Website: https://fletaconnect.io/

* Fleta Connect Docs: https://fletaconnect.gitbook.io/fletaconnect/

* Fleta Wallet: https://wallet.fletamain.net/login

* Fleta Wallet Guide-line: https://medium.com/fleta-first-chain/fleta-wallet-guide-line-9ba2af6681d8

* How to Connect Fleta Wallet to BSC: https://medium.com/fleta-first-chain/fleta-wallet-how-to-connect-fleta-wallet-to-binance-smart-chain-bsc-f9b30ae034d2

* Fleta Token Smart Contract Address: 0x40897C872214303b6F479a37E549eE1516B264A2

* BSC-based bFleta Token Address: 0xff8152f09e0fddd1ce1577ef6eba72f3a7c2e7db

* Cherry Token Smart Contract Address: 0x487770734490ac571cda3bc06067048ecc5caa4e

1) Fleta Connect — Home

The image is the main page of “Fleta Connect.”

  1. Click “Connect.”
  2. Connect your Metamask Wallet to your Fleta Connect account.

2) Fleta Connect — Trade

The “Trade” tab moves you to Pancake Swap. You need LP tokens of specific pairs to use CherryPick. You can get LP tokens via Pancake Swap.

  1. You can swap a token to another by clicking “Exchange”.
  2. If you already have two tokens, click “Liquidity” to provide liquidity.

3) Fleta Connect — Exchange (on Pancake Swap)

You will see the page like the image shown when you move to Pancake Swap. To add liquidity, you should have both tokens of the pair. For example, if you want to stake on BNB/bFleta pair, you should have both BNB and bFleta.

  1. If you have only one type of tokens, half of them will be swapped to the other one to join the pool.

* A few BNB tokens are used as a fee when swapping.

4) Fleta Connect — Liquidity (on Pancake Swap)

You can add liquidity to the pool if you have two different cryptocurrencies. The estimated value of those two should be equal. Please refer

https://academy.binance.com/ko/articles/impermanent-loss-explained for more details.

  1. Click “Add Liquidity” to supply your tokens to the pool.
  2. Put in the number of tokens you want to add and click “Supply.” You will soon get LP tokens in your crypto wallet.

* A few BNB tokens are used as a fee when clicking the buttons.

5) Fleta Connect — CherryPick

You can get Cherry tokens as rewards by staking LPs on “CherryPick”

  1. “Unlock Wallet” means linking a crypto wallet to your account. Click “Unlock wallet” to link Metamask wallet to your Fleta Connect account. (You will automatically move to step 2 if you already have connected your wallet on the main page.)
  2. “Approve Contract” indicates that you approve the withdrawal of specific LPs from your wallet and processing the contract automatically. You can stake your LPs only after you click “Approve Contract.”
  3. You can stake your LPs when you click “Stake.” Put in the number of LPs you want to stake.
  4. “Harvest” means receiving Cherry tokens you got as rewards. You can deposit your Cherry tokens to your wallet when you click “Harvest.”

* A few BNB tokens are used as a fee when clicking the buttons.

** The numbers in the images are just provisionally.

6) Fleta Connect — Basket

You can stake a single asset on “Basket.”

  1. “Unlock Wallet” means linking a crypto wallet to your account. Click “Unlock wallet” to link Metamask wallet to your Fleta Connect account. (You will automatically move to step 2 if you already have connected your wallet on the main page.)
  2. “Approve Contract” indicates that you approve the withdrawal of specific tokens from your wallet and processing the contract automatically. You can stake your tokens only after you click “Approve Contract.”
  3. You can stake your tokens when you click “Stake.”
  4. You can see the image after you click “Stake.” Put in the number of tokens you want to stake.

* A few BNB tokens are used as a fee when clicking the buttons.

** The numbers in the images are just provisionally.

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Feel free to join and connect with us through our official channels below:

Fleta Website: https://fleta.io

Fleta Connect Website: https://fletaconnect.io/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fletachain

Telegram: https://t.me/FLETAofficialGroup

Fleta Github: https://github.com/fletaio

Fleta Connect Github: https://github.com/fletaio/fletaconnect



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