FLETA Partners With Math Wallet for Global Participants of the FLETA Ecosystem

Published in
2 min readAug 25, 2020

FLETA signed a strategic partnership with Math Wallet for more convenient use of FLETA tokens.

Math Wallet is an international multi-platform cross-chain wallet. Its products and services include APP wallet, web wallet, browser extension wallet, and hardware wallet and support various private and public chains such as BTC, ETH, EOS, Polkadot, Filecoin, Cosmos, and Binance Chain. It also supports decentralized cross-chain transactions, building a multi-chain DApp ecosystem, and participating in multiple POS public chains’ node ecosystem. Investors of MathWallet include well-known blockchain investment institutions such as Fenbushi capital and FundamentalLabs.

As FLETA is advancing to the global market, FLETA investors in diverse countries need a wallet to keep FLETA safe. To meet the demand, FLETA signed a partnership with Math Wallet so that participants of the FLETA ecosystem can safely and conveniently manage their FLETA erc-20 tokens. Moreover, FLETA and Math Wallet expect to expand their ecosystems by sharing their networks in their nations. Through the partnership, the global market will be more aware of FLETA, especially in the Chinese market where Math Wallet is based.

FLETA considers our ecosystem and participants and always eager to provide the best condition for the FLETA ecosystem. We signed the partnership with Math Wallet for our community members and supporters, and other cooperations will also come for a better outcome.

Thank you.


You can download Math Wallet through the following links.



You may also scan the following QR code:


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Website: https://fleta.io

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fletachain

Telegram: https://t.me/FLETAofficialGroup

Github: https://github.com/fletaio



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