The secret to making a great quiz

How to educate store staff about your brand.

Guro Danielsen
5 min readMay 29, 2018


Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

The quizzes are a huge part of a Mevo campaign. We believe that multiple choice questions are excellent for educating store staff about your brand. It’s fun, tickles the competitive nature of the app users and it’s very effective in making facts memorable. Micro-learning! It’s the way of the future.

That’s why we recommend that you always make it a criterion that all quizzes must be passed in order to win a prize in the sales contest.

Our goal is that you, the brand experts, make the quizzes yourself. We are of course happy to help you along the way. This article is a good place to start. If you follow these pointers, you’ll become a quiz master in no time.

See our template for 10 great quizzes to get your started!

OK — so you have decided the focus of your campaign. You know what you want to sell and when. Now it’s time to get the store staff excited about your product!

Good content is the key to educating store staff in an engaging way. That means:

  • making quizzes that are fun AND educational
  • making sure you get your key points across
  • encouraging contestants and praising good efforts


  • Remember: Your goal is to make a quiz that doesn’t require studying og googling. It should work as a fun, educational stand alone manual for your brand and products.
  • The quizzes consist of multiple choice questions.
  • Each quiz should have between 5 and 8 questions.
  • Each question should have +/- 3 alternative answers.
  • Divide the quizzes into categories, with a different theme for each one. Examples of categories can be “relevant information about the brand”, “relevant information about the category of your product”, “practical info about the product”, “fun facts relevant to the product and/or brand”. These are of course very generic categories — try to name your quizzes something more catchy!
    Example: Did you know that the inventor of the Samurai Umbrella™ never goes outside when it rains? Get more surprising facts in this quiz.
  • Give each quiz a name and a short description.
    Example: SUPERDRY SUPERHEROES. Why does a samurai need an umbrella anyway? Test your knowledge about ninja warriors’ choice of rain gear here!
  • The Mevo app offers the possibility of adding a video for each quiz. Use it! This is a great way to share more information about the product, especially if you want to show and explain functions etc. Both high-tech super productions and homemade iPhone videos work here!
Photo by Ugur Akdemir on Unsplash


  • As a rule, your questions should all contribute to sale-triggering knowledge and behavior. Get the facts and selling points across. That doesn’t mean that you can’t get creative about it! Fun facts and quirky brand details can be as interesting as technical functions. Make your quiz both educational AND entertaining by combining the two.
  • Focus on the advantages and technical solutions that separate your product from competing brands.
  • Try to be as specific as possible. Example: What is the purpose of the yellow button on the umbrella handle? is better than What makes the Sword Umbrella handle unique?
  • Do you have access to relevant research? Use it! Statistics and numbers make excellent quiz questions. Example: What’s the chance of it raining on the 6th of June? or How many people misplace at least one umbrella every year?
  • You can vary between simple text-based questions, questions based on an image and alternatives with images. Try to use all of them! Example: Which model of the Sword Umbrella do you see here?
  • Don’t overload each question with tons of information. Keep it as simple and to the point as possible, and chose more than one question about specific details if you have many facts you would like to share.
  • True or false questions (i.e. only two alternatives) can be an effective way to get a point across, but you should not exaggerate the use of these types of questions.
  • Put yourself in the shoes of your customer and think of which questions they might have.
  • Watch your language! Even the driest facts can be made interesting if you spice up the words.
  • Hit the genre! Try to leave the corporate tone behind and use simple, playful words. The questions shouldn’t sound like something out of a manual, but rather something that could have been said around the water cooler.
Photo by Eugene Taylor on Unsplash


  • Make sure there’s only one correct answer to your question. Unless you want to go with the “all of the above” alternative (try to limit the amount of questions with this solution).
  • Don’t make the alternatives too similar. Especially when the question is a bit tricky. Your goal is to make the sales person remember the fact your providing.
    Example: If you’re asking about the number of sold units yearly, worldwide, make the right answer stand out by providing completely unrealistic alternatives:
    A. 45
    B. 5 million
    C. 24 000
    D. 230 000
  • Depending on the size of the campaign, you should have between 5 and 10 quizzes ready to go, releasing them in intervals. We recommend at least two quizzes a week throughout the campaign period + a couple for the build up period before the actual sales contest kicks off.



  • Decide the key information you want the store staff to know about the campaign product.
  • Focus on sale triggering facts.
  • Sprinkle your questions with fun facts about your brand.
  • Include videos and images.
  • Keep it simple and get specific.
  • Lose the corporate lingo and keep it light.
  • Remember that the goal is to educate and motivate, not discourage.


  • Stuff too much information into one question.
  • Make the answer alternatives too similar or too many.
  • Make the questions too difficult.





Guro Danielsen

Head of content and communication, 20 years of experience as a journalist/editor before that. It’s all content, baby.