Mevris Aims to Move Beyond Home Automation

Published in
3 min readOct 17, 2017
Mevris-Broadening horizons with breakthrough technology

With the impassioned attention on IoT, home automation is being mentioned as one of the most important forms of technology for innovation in our everyday lives. Home automation provides convenience by which users can control and manage appliances simply with their smartphones.

The vision for making machines smart enough is to eventually reduce human effort to almost nil. Inter-connected devices are aimed to capture and utilize every bit of data to interact with the end user to accomplish given tasks.

This new wave of connectivity is progressing beyond laptops and smartphones, it’s going towards connected cars, connected wearables, smart homes, smart cities and connected healthcare, thus promoting a fully connected lifestyle. The Gartner report claims that by 2020 connected devices will reach to an astonishing number of 20.6 billion.

The fact that devices and humans couldn’t communicate directly had been one of the biggest obstacles of automation. But, now with the emergence of BlueEast’s IoT platform- Mevris, the situation has been completely changed as the application enables the user to relish a centralized control right within the palm of their hand.

Mevris Extends its Domain beyond Solo Appliance Automation

Smart Homes

Smart Homes have become the revolutionary ladder of success in the residential eco-system. To enable a futuristic lifestyle, Mevris promises to save time, energy and money by automating all kinds of processes. Consider the level of convenience when you could switch on air conditioning before reaching home or switch off lights after you have left or unlock doors of your home for friends and family when you are not around, let your water dispenser determine the quality of water by measuring TDS, pH level and impurities, permit your refrigerator to shop grocery when they’re short and carry out a quality test for leftovers. Mervis is not only a home automation platform but also a complete healthcare and e-commerce solution.

How Mevris Will Revolutionize Your Lifestyle

Mevris allows the air conditioner to monitor the user’s usage patterns in accordance to local weather to automatically adjust the temperature. Mevris also empowers smoke detectors to determine the source of the smoke and the amount of carbon monoxide present, facilitating the user to get to the root of the problem, rather than figuring out where the detectors are sounding their sirens. Mevris will automatically turn on water sprinklers in case of fire or turn on the ventilation system if high amounts of carbon monoxide are detected thus proving to be a lifesaver.

Mevris will discover technical malfunctioning in HVAC systems and notify when a filter needs to be changed, a part needs to be replaced or the system requires specialized service thus minimizing the chances of potential damage to your appliance.

Owing to BlueEast’s innovative IoT enabled platform, your televisions would auto-adjust their display brightness according to the lighting conditions in your room. For promoting an augmented bandwidth, users will be able to automatically connect and disconnect devices that don’t require an internet connection persistently.

BI Intelligence, Business Insider’s premium research service, expects that the number of smart home devices will propagate from 83 million to 193 million till 2020. Considering the speculated stats, Mevris is integrating itself with all smart appliances such as (washers, dryers, refrigerators, etc.), home security systems (sensors, monitors, cameras, and alarm systems) and energy management equipment like smart thermostats and smart lighting. As a result of this mass integration with connected systems, people using BlueEast’s IoT platform will experience a significant reduction in electricity costs, better energy conservation, improved security and quality living.

The technology employed in Mevris has definitely broadened the possibilities for automation. Furthermore, as the product matures over time it will incorporate wearables with sensors and software’s to extract essential insights about users, covering the fitness & health domain. It also focuses on automotive digital technology for optimizing vehicle’s internal functions, livestock monitoring for animal husbandry, smart surveillance, smarter energy management systems, automated transportation, water distribution, urban security, connected retail infrastructure, smart farming to yield better return on investment, smart grids to detect sources of power outages efficiently and remote environmental monitoring.

IoT is sure to bring a macro shift in the way we live and work. With Mevris progressing, human intervention will become least. Smart homes are not that far as most electronics are being designed to work in tandem with smart home hubs.

