White-labeled Blockchain Pooled (e)Sports Betting

How we are utilizing smart contracts to create the worlds first social betting DApp built on the ethereum blockcahin.

3 min readMay 26, 2019


The past year has shaped what social betting and meVu is becoming. So this week we took some time to highlight some of the features we are excited about.

In short, the meVu as a platform and the MVU token have multiple purposes.

The value of the meVu platform is our white-labeled smart contracts which can be leased out to organizations that have not built out their own infrastructure to bet with cryptocurrency.

The MVU token itself is a digital commodity because our incentivized architecture can also be used to settle bets for third parties.

Over the past year, we’ve built out and tested our platforms ability to wager on events that have binary inputs and outcomes.

This is the most common form of betting and is something you can test out currently on dapp.mevu.bet with industry lows fees on the Rinkeby ETH test network.

In addition to this, we’ve added features such as…

Public vs Private Betting

Betting Statistics

In-depth leader boards

Team Watchlist


Social Sharing!

(Shown Left)

Some of these features have come from the minds of our team but also the collective community.

Our goal is to make a ‘meVu bet’ a unique and personable experience

“The biggest development we’re currently working on is adding pooled bets to events. This will be particularly useful for sports like Horse Racing or eSports like Battle Royal games down the line… such as Fortnite or Apex.”

-CTO Tim McCulloch

One common trope in the blockchain space is that many projects are solutions to an non problem.

In order to understand why creating a white label smart contract for a variety of pooled bets is a solution to a REAL problem you have to first understand that the betting industry is plagued with the limitations of government regulation and fiat money.

Online sports books have to charge fee’s upwards of 15–20% on individual wagers because of the expensive licensing required.

In addition to this organizations that would otherwise enjoy the benefits of a service like the meVu smart contracts or MVU token would of otherwise never had the option if it weren’t for the Ethereum blockchain.

What to expect?

Unlike some projects we are not creating a gimmick, or just another place to use Bitcoin, Ethereum, or other top coins.

Funding from our IEO will go towards creating a betting ecosystem like the world has never seen, one that is personable and doesn’t constrict bettors with high fee’s, long wait times, and shady practices.

We’ve shaped the future of betting on a minimalist budget already, and we have so much more in store for you as we proceed towards a main net release.

We rely on the communities feedback for what to prioritize so join us on telegram and help shape the future of social betting at https://t.me/betmeVu

