Why meVu is #bet-ter: Social Betting

Why meVu is distinct from the rest of “similar” blockchains.

Tucker Robinson
3 min readJun 28, 2018


One of the biggest issues in ‘Online’ vs. ‘Traditional’ Casinos is the lack of social aspect in the former. Learn below how MVU has created a solution.

The largest threat from meVu is simply behind the curve. We at meVu have gone ahead and defined ourselves by our culture, where as other blockchain based peer-to-peer systems have fallen behind.


We plan to develop a full ecosystem, let alone a community of gamblers. We have focused on hiring on the team members that share a vision of ‘peer-to-peer’ decentralization, developers and marketers alike who believe in a vision of creating a social betting platform. How do we plan on doing this?


Our API is already in use allowing existing sportsbooks Esports wagering sites to use our contracts. This is all that the “similar blockchains” can bring to the table.

The meVu brand is focused on bringing betting back to its basics, between people, the way it was meant to be. Putting control and power back in the player’s hands, we want to foster competition with a global leaderboards while heightening the thrill and excitement of betting against other players as opposed to sport bookies.

Risk & Reward

We have worked on developing a schedule that’ll allow for users to take over. Oracle revenue is a large aprt of our system because eventually they will act as a sort of lifeblood between players. Until that time we have developed a time line that’ll make those users less necessary. However as time goes on bets will become more customizable and require 24/7 support. The oracle system allows users to get back into the game by simply facilitating bets within the system. These rewards will be heft, and allow for even the most consistent to grace the leaderboards.

Social Betting

If its all not making sense up until this point, I cant point you any further in the right direction. MeVU is a stylized approach to gambling, we have laid the ground work for the entire gambling industry to rest easy upon its own shoulders. Reducing fees from as high as 25% to a measly 2%. This is purely in thanks to the technology that backs our product, and is dependent, on a small player base of players that can report while waiting for their next bet.

Join us in this slow, but rewarding path as we create what will be a #meVulutionary product due to its unique features, and not just a core idea. There have a been a few before us, and there will be many behind us. However #meVu is the first to do it right. Welcome to the game! Lets meVu bet!

